摘要: | 橘紅為芸香科(Rutaceae)植物Citrus grandis Osbeck var. tomentosa Hort.或Citrus reticulate Blanco及其栽培變種的乾燥外層果皮。秋末冬初果實成熟後採收,用刀削下外果皮,曬乾或陰乾,揀去雜質,刷淨,用時折碎炮製而成。橘紅為中醫臨床常用藥物之一,具有散寒,燥濕,消痰,利氣,寬中,散結之功效,治療風寒痰嗽,噁心,吐水,胸痛脹悶等證。
由於橘紅在中藥及臨床應用歷史悠久,具有廣泛的藥用價值,而目前市場上橘紅藥材之使用,有嚴重之混用與誤用之情況產生,若是混用了則嚴重影響了患者的用藥安全,為確保臨床用藥的安全有效,對橘紅常見之易混淆品或誤用品做了評估比較。其檢測方法包括有:品質評估、安全性評估、活性評估。其品質評估包括:薄層層析法、高效液相層析法、顯微鑑別、化學規格測定,安全性評估包括:黃麴毒素、有機氯、農藥殘留之檢驗,活性評估:DPPH 自由基清除能力、還原力測定、多酚類含量測定、類黃酮含量測定及黃酮醇含量測定。藉由本研究,可瞭解台灣市售橘紅藥材之基原及品質之優劣,以此可作為鑑定橘紅藥材及評估橘紅品質之參考。
Juhong belongs to the Rutaceae family, and is the dried exocarp of the cultivar of either Citrus grandis Osbeck var. tomentosa Hort. or Citrus reticulate Blanco. It is harvested from late autumn to early winter. The exocarp is peeled with a knife, dried under the sun or in shade, removed from impurities before brush-cleaned. Finally it is broken into pieces before processing. Juhong is frequently used in clinical traditional Chinese medicine to dissipate coldness, dry dampness, resolve phlegm, activate qi, soothe the middle energizer and dispel stagnation for the indications of wind-coldness accompanied with coughs and phlegm, nausea, vomiting and chest pain with distension and fullness.
Juhong is a commonly used Chinese crude drug and it has been utilized for its therapeutic effect in the general public and clinical settings since ancient times. However Juhong is frequently confused and misused in today’s herbal market; drug safety of the patients would be severely affected if used improperly. To guarantee that Juhong is both safe and effective, evaluative comparisons were made with specimens that are commonly misused or confused with this crude drug. Quality control, safety and medicinal activity evaluations were carried out. Quality control assays included TLC, HPLC, microscopic identification and Chemical specification; safety included inspections on aflatoxins, organoclorides and other pesticide residues; activity assessments included DPPH free radical scavenging activity, reducing power, and total polyphenol, total flavonoid and total flavanol contents. Through this study, an understanding of Juhong sold in the Taiwanese herbal market in terms of origin, safety and medicinal effects would be obtained. The results of this study could be used to provide reference to the authentication and quality evaluation of Juhong sold in Taiwan. |