本研究旨在評量台灣某大學之學科性輔導教學(Content-based instruction, CBI) 課程。受觀察的課程為生物科技系三年級之必修課程「分子生物學」。研究者設計一份四十五題之問卷發給修課學生;共有三十七位學生以及一名教師參與問卷調查。前四十二題分數之平均值與標準差由Excel 之敘述統計算出。後三題為開放式問題,研究者將答案區分為命題主張(proposition),再計算其出現頻率,繼而整理出自然出現之主題(naturally recurring themes)。研究結果顯示學生對該課程整體沒有呈現強烈的反對或贊成傾向。進一步分析發現學生大抵認同CBI課程有其必要性,並對其CBI任課教師表現出高度肯定,特別是該任課教師之英文口說能力與相關教具使用。學生亦指出該課程有益於提升英文聽力,對說、寫、讀三種語言技巧則無幫助。研究結果同時也指出CBI因進度緩慢,對專業知識的吸收有負面影響;學生並建議CBI最好開在選修課。研究者建議CBI教師適度使用中文解說,並與語言教師各取所長,彼此合作。
This study is aimed to evaluate a content-based instruction (CBI) program of a medical school in Taiwan. The CBI program was implemented for Molecular Biology, a required course for the 3(superscript rd) year undergraduate students of Department of Biological Science and Technology. To collect quantitative and qualitative data, a questionnaire of 45 items was designed and distributed to the program stakeholders. Thirty-seven students and one CBI instructor completed the questionnaire. Mean and Standard Deviation of the first 42 questions were calculated. The other three items were open-ended questions, whose responses were segmented into propositions. Their frequencies were tallied and tabulated. The results showed that the stakeholders' attitude toward the program was neutral, with no strong approval or disapproval. Further examination revealed that the participants regarded the provision of the program as necessary. In addition, they were highly satisfactory with their CBI teacher, especially her performance in oral English and the use of teaching aids. The stakeholders believed the program improved their English listening ability, but not reading, writing, and speaking skills. The results also showed that the CBI instruction affected the growth of learners' content knowledge in a negative way.