隨著話語分析的興起(discourse analysis),話語標記(discourse marker)逐漸受到英語教學研究人員與教育者的重視。本文試圖探討成人英語會話課程中話語標記教學的必要性與可行性。作者以well, you know, I mean為例,藉文獻佐證,說明話語標記基本之語用功能,並列舉多項教學活動,以顯示在大學英語會話課程中實施話語標記教學之可能方向。
This study is intended to highlight the importance of discourse marker (DM) instruction for second language (L2) conversation classes from the perspective of discourse analysis, based on the assumption that adults’ conversations are more interaction-based and L2 learners might be pragmatically fossilized if their DM use competence is not appropriately equipped. The researcher reviews related representative literature to support the assumption and to delimit certain fundamental speech functions of well, you know and I mean to meet the pedagogical need. In addition, potential teaching activity designs are provided to demonstrate the feasibility of teaching DMs in L2 language classrooms.