摘要: | 研究目的:行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會為確保民眾中藥用藥安全,特提出「提升藥師投入中藥領域之培訓課程」計畫,本計畫之目的為提升藥師之中藥專業知識與藥事服務技巧,促進師投入中藥領域,以推動國人中藥用藥安全為導向。研究方法:本計畫包含三種面向:(1)召開專家學者座談會-討論學校之中藥教育課程、畢業後之繼續教育及畢業後第一、二年之中藥臨床藥學培訓,(2) 北中南三區辦理藥師中藥執業之研習營,每場至少培訓80人次,藉由研討會讓藥師學習中草藥基本知識、中藥調劑,及性別主流、慢性疾病照護之中藥應用及法規等,並進行培訓課程之滿意度調查及相關回饋意見,(3)在繼續教育及培訓課程進行藥師之問卷調查,以了解執業藥師對中藥課程、繼續教育及畢業後中藥藥事訓練之意見或建議。結果與討論:本計畫完成三項內容:(1)兩場專家學者座談會,邀請七個藥學系中藥授課教師、專家學者,達成中藥教育、新進藥師PGY1、PGY2及藥師持續教育課程之建議。(2)完成865份藥師之問卷調查,其統計分析結果將於報告中敘述。(3)辦理北中南三場藥師執行中藥業務知識培訓,本年度共有315位藥師完成培訓,參加者肯定本課程之實用性,能有效提升藥師對中藥之辨識與認知,及用藥安全,未來執行相關業務時更能得心應手,完成職務上的中藥業務,為民眾的健康把關。 結論:本計畫之完成可以加強藥師中藥知能,提升藥師投入中藥領域之意願,未來也可協助政府機構推動建構中藥用藥安全環境之政策。本研究之結果,可以提供醫藥衛生機構、藥學教育機構、政府單位制定中藥教育相關政策之參酌。
Objective: To ensure the safe use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which was corresponded to the missions of Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, this project aimed to provide appropriate training programs and find possible solutions to facilitate pharmacists’ involvement on TCM practice in Taiwan after enhancing their professional TCM knowledge and skills. Method: This project was implemented in three phases, including (1) expert panel discussions, focusing on the TCM courses in schools and after graduates (i.e., continuing education [CE], post graduate training [PGY]), (2) training conferences, which were held in the northern, central and southern of Taiwan to involve at least 80 pharmacists in each section and provide courses related to knowledge and skills on herbs, TCM, TCM dispensing, TCM practice for different genders and chronic conditions and regulations, (3) paper-and-pencil survey conducted in the pharmacy CE and training conferences to know practicing pharmacists’ comments and opinions on TCM courses, CE and PGY training. Further, the participants’ satisfactions after receiving the corresponding training courses were evaluated as well. Result: The project findings were listed as follows. (1) After two expert panel discussions, the consensus of TCM courses in school, CE and PGY were made. (2) Totally, 865 pharmacists completed the survey instruments and the results were elaborated more in the report text. (3) Totally, 316 pharmacists have participated the training courses in three sections and satisfied the courses. The majority of pharmacists agreed that such training conferences would enhance their ability on the recognition of herbs, TCM to facilitate safe TCM use in their practice. Conclusion: This project, indeed, helps practicing pharmacists to enhance their TCM professional knowledge and skills and promote their intention on TCM practice and ideas of safe TCM use. The findings would provide some evidence toward the health professionals, pharmacy educators, government authorities and policy decision makers on the safe TCM use, TCM education and its post graduate training in the future. |