背景「近年早期療育來強調?以家庭為中心?服務模式︽對於早期療育服務的成效評估除了瞭解發展遲緩兒童是否有進步之外︽也應該評估家庭是否因為早期療育的服務而有所改變︽以往對於早期療育成效的研究︽少有探討如何評估接受早期療育服務的家長之親職技巧︽故本研究主要目的在建立早期療育家長親職技巧的評估工具︽包括?家長自覺親職技巧調查問卷?以及?早期療育親子互動功能觀察量表?︽用以評估親職介入計畫的成效〈方法「本研究分三年進行︽第一年編制?家長自覺親職技巧調查問卷? 並測試其信效度︽第二年編制?早期療育親子互動功能觀察量表?並測試期信效度︽第三年則是研擬親職介入計畫︽並以本研究所編制的兩種評估工具來評估其成效〈調查問卷與量表的編制︽都先參考文獻擬定初步的架構與題項︽並由早期療育專家進行內容效度的審查︽得到問卷預試題本後︽與各縣市?發展遲緩兒童早期療育個案管理中心?合作︽徵求家長及親子組合填寫知情同意書後︽填寫相關問卷並接受研究者進行的相關評估〈研究結果將進行內部一致性分析量表的信度︽以驗證性因素分析探討量表的建構效度︽並以相關係數分析影響親職能力可能的因素〈第三年親職介入成效的研究︽則是以叢集取樣的方式︽徵求六個縣市各10對親子組合︽隨機選取三個縣市共30對親子組合進入實驗組︽另外30對則進入控制組︽所有的參與者都需接受介入前後的系列評估︽實驗組的參與者接受每週1小時︽共12次的個別居家親職介入服務︽所有參與之家長都接受一天的親職教育課程〈研究結果將以變異數分析探討不同的親職介入計畫對於提升家長親職能力與親子互動能力的成效〈預期結果「研究者將可以發展出兩種評估早期療育家長親職技巧的工具以及一種親職介入計畫〈個案管理中心將可以使用這些工具客觀的評估家長的親職能力︽藉以改善所提供的早期療育服務〈
Background: “Family centered service model” becomes mainstream in early intervention. Family outcome like parenting skills or parent-child interaction should be evaluated in addition child improvement in terms of outcome evaluation in early intervention. The purpose of this study is to develop two scales that evaluate parenting skills and parent-child interaction in early intervention. Another purpose is using these tools to examine the effect of a parenting program designed in this study that tries to improve family function in early intervention. Method: “Early Intervention Parents’ Perceived Parenting Skills Questionnaire” (PPPSQ) and “Early Intervention Parent-Child Interaction Observation Scale”(PIOS)will be developed in the first two years. Literature review will be used to develop the dimensions and items of the scales. Delphi meeting will be held to determine the content validity. Parent-child dyads recruited from local Early Intervention Service Centers (EISC) who sign inform consent will participate in the evaluation of parenting skills and parent-child interaction to validate the internal consistency, construct validity, concurrent validity and reliability of the scales. A parenting program designed according to literature review and clinical practice will be implemented in the third year. Sixty parent-child dyads recruited from six local EISC will be randomly assigned into parenting intervention (PI) group and control group. Dyads in PI group will receive 12 one-hour home visits by EI professionals. All participants will attend a one-day workshop that focus on parenting skills. Both groups will receive PIOS and PPPSQ evaluation before and after intervention. Expected results: EISC can use the new objective parenting evaluation scales to audit and improve early intervention services.