摘要: | 在台灣民眾使用青草藥已有極為悠久之歷史,但僅限於地區性的民間流傳使用,未獲得普遍的認同,更缺乏臨床、毒性、藥理、動物實驗的支持, 多由民間書籍所記載。依目前法令青草藥店不列管 ,開店僅需向各縣市建設局工商課申請營利事業登記證即可,不需經過衛生主管機關同意,使得青草藥業者是醫藥管理上可能的隱憂。
因此,衛生機關無法掌握青草行確實的資料,對青草行之管理與所販售之青草,目前只局限在標示、宣傳或廣告上之管理,原則上皆以食品相關法令(食品衛生管理法與健康食品管理法)來規範, 甚少涉及藥政相關法令。青草藥於民間時有誤用情況發生,因多無典籍記載,且青草藥店不列管,使得青草藥業者一直是醫藥管理上的一大隱憂。民眾使用青草來治療疾病 ,長久以來已是存在的事實,目前國內是以食品來 管理,唯其中是否有農藥殘留值得重視。部份中藥近年來也有農殘檢出之報導,唯為確保治療疾病時,使用的安全性,宜進一步進行相關管理及檢測。
本實驗針對目前政府多半已禁用之有機氯農藥,包括Aldrin, α-BHC, β-BHC, γ-BHC, δ-BHC, 4,4''-DDD, 4,4''-DDE, 4,4''-DDT, Dieldrin, Endosulfan I, Endosulfan II, Endosulfan sulfate, Endrin, Endrin aldehyde, Endrin ketone, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Methoxychlor及PCNB等有機氯農藥進行偵測。本實驗收集台灣各地10家青草藥店之20種青草藥,其中包括車前草( Plantago asiartica L. )、鳳尾草( Pteris multifida Poiret )、夏枯草( Prunella vulgaris Linn. var. asiatica (Nakai) Hara )、白鶴靈芝( Rhinacanthus nasutus (L.) Kurz )、黃連蕉( Canna faccida Salisb )、桑葉( Morus alba L. )、雷公根乾品及鮮品( Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban )、酢醬草( Oxalis corniculata L. )、羊帶來( Xanthium strumarium Linn. )、金線連(Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata)、艾草( Artemisia princes Pamp. var. orientalis (Pamp.) Hara )、五爪金英( Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray )、筆仔草( Pogonatherum crinitum (Thunb.) Kunth )、山葡萄( Ampelopsis brevipedunculata var. hancei (Planch.) Li )、白花馬齒莧( Portulaca oleracea Linn. )、紅田烏( Alternanthera sessili (L.) R. Brown )、虎杖( Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc. )、絞股藍莖及葉( Gynostemma pentapphllum (Thunb.) Makino )、洛神花( Hibiscus sabdariffa L. )、煮飯花頭( Mirabilis jalapa Linn. )。實驗方法係參考94年8月署授食字第0949424750號公告及中國國家標準CNS總號13570類號N6276公告方法將分析物前處理,再使用氣相層析儀及電子捕捉檢測器進行有機氯農藥殘留檢測之。
經檢測之結果,參照歐盟食品之標準及歐洲藥典5.0版結果顯示:雷公根之乾品Aldrin+Dieldrin量,20家中有2家超量(定性定量值為 0.074及0.094 ppm) ;雷公根鮮品檢品共6家,Aldrin+Dieldrin量有1 家超量(定性定量值為 0.086 ppm),Endrin量有1 家超量(定性定量值為 0.086 ppm),Heptachor量有2家超量(定性定量值為 0.064 ppm及0.152 ppm);艾草檢品10家,PCNB量有3家過量(定性定量值為 5.522 ppm、7.526 ppm及2.289 ppm),總BHC量有1家過量(定性定量值為 1.141 ppm),總DDT量有3家過量(定性定量值為 4.715 ppm、4.471 ppm及5.114 ppm),Aldrin+Dieldrin量4家超量(定性定量值為 0.087 ppm、2.421 ppm、0.243ppm及1.852 ppm),Endrin量3家超量(定性定量值為 2.377 ppm、0.131 ppm及0.375 ppm),Heptachor量有3家超量(定性定量值為 0.530 ppm及0.970 ppm及0.680 ppm);筆仔草檢品10家,Aldrin+Dieldrin量有5家過量(定性定量值為 0.078 ppm及1.195 ppm 、0.078 ppm及0.171 ppm);白花馬齒莧檢品10家,Aldrin+Dieldrin量有1家過量(定性定量值為 1.489 ppm);絞股藍(葉)檢品10家,Endrin量有2家過量(定性定量值為 0.052 ppm及0.051 ppm),總其餘藥材均零星檢測到Supelco TCL 18 Pesticide Mix的成分,但都低於 0.0625 ppm。
Taiwanese have used green herbs for a long time. However, the usage of green herbs is limited in some regions without national comprehensive identification. Moreover, it lacks of clinical, toxic, pharmaceutical and animal experiment supports. The usage of green herbs is usually recorded in non-official documents. According to the present laws, green herbs stores are not regulated by the sanitary authority in Taiwan. To open green herb stores, the owners only need to apply the Certificate of the Company Registration from local construction bureaus. Therefore, people who are engaged in green herbs business have become the potential problems of medical and pharmaceutical management.
Therefore, the health authority is unable to hold the concrete information of these green herbs stores. The control of green herb stores and the green herbs which sold by these stores are currently limited in the management of labeling, promotion, and advertisement campaign. Instead of the pharmaceutical laws, the green herbs relative managements are regulated by relevant food laws in principle (Act Governing Food Sanitation and Health Food Control Act). The misuse of green herbs happens quite often among civilians. However, these cases are generally not recorded; moreover, green herbs stores are not properly regulated. In this case, green herbs traders have become a great potential risk of medical and pharmaceutical management. To use green herbs to cure illness among general public has been an existing fact for a long time. Domestically, the usage of green herbs is controlled by relevant food laws. Nevertheless, the possible pesticide residue contents in green herbs are worth to be emphasized. There have been reports about the pesticide residue contents in partial Chinese herbs medicine. Therefore, further management and examinations should be taken in order to assure the safety while using green herbs to cure diseases.
The experiment focused on the detection of organochlorine pesticides in green herbs. Becuase most of the organochlorine pesticides takes much time to decompose and are fat-soluble, therefore, they can be stored in fat tissues for a long time and cause bioaccumulation and condensation. According to literature reviews, organochlorine pesticides may generate strong posin, result in cancer and further to endanger human bodies.
This experiment focus on the forbidden organic chlorine pesticide which practiced on the vegetables and fruit, including Aldrin, α-BHC, β-BHC, γ-BHC, δ-BHC, 4,4''-DDD, 4,4''-DDE, 4,4''-DDT, Dieldrin, Endosulfan I, Endosulfan II, Endosulfan sulfate, Endrin, Endrin aldehyde, Endrin ketone, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Methoxychlor and PCNB. This experiment collected 20 kinds of green herbs from 10 green herbs stores in Taiwan, including. Plantago asiartica L., Pteris multifida Poiret, Prunella vulgaris Linn. var. asiatica (Nakai) Hara, Rhinacanthus nasutus (L.) Kurz、Canna faccida Salisb, Morus alba L., Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban, Oxalis corniculata L., Xanthium strumarium Linn., Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata, Artemisia princes Pamp. var. orientalis (Pamp.) Hara, Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray, Pogonatherum crinitum (Thunb.) Kunth, Ampelopsis brevipedunculata var. hancei (Planch.) Li, Portulaca oleracea Linn, Alternanthera sessili (L.) R. Brown, Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc, Gynostemma pentapphllum (Thunb.) Makino, Hibiscus sabdariffa L., and Mirabilis jalapa Linn. The experiment was conducted according to the official standard methods.
Based on the food standard of EU and the European Pharmaceutical Dictionary 5.0, the result indicates that the overall Aldrin+Dieldrin in dried Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban exceeded the standard in 2 out of 20 (the qualitative and quantifiable value was 0.074 and 0.094 ppm respectively). The overall Aldrin+Dieldrin value in fresh Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban exceeded the standard in 1 out of 6. (the qualitative and quantifiable value was 0.086 ppm) while the tested Endrin was exceeded in 1 out of 6 (the qualitative and quantifiable value was 0.086 ppm ), and tested Heptachor excedded in 2 out of 6 (the qualitative and quantifiable value was 0.064 ppm and 0.0152 ppm respectively.) Among the 10 tested Artemisia princes Pamp. var. orientalis (Pamp) Hara samples, the PCNB value of 3 exceeded the standard (the qualitative and quantifiable values were 5.522 ppm, 7.526 ppm and 2.289 ppm respectively.), the BHC value of 1 exceeded the standard (the qualitative and quantifiable values was 1.141 ppm), and the DDT value of 3 excedded the standard (the qualitative and quantifiable values were 4.715 ppm, 4.471 ppm and 5.114 ppm respectively), the overall Aldrin+Dieldrin value of 4 exceeded the standard (the qualitative and quantifiable values were 0.087 ppm, 2.421 ppm, 0.243 ppm and 1.852 ppm respectively.), the Endrin value of 3 exceeded the standard (the qualitative and quantifiable values were 2.377 ppm, 0.131 ppm and 0.375 ppm respectively.), and Heptachor value of 3 exceeded the standard. (the qualitative and quantifiable values were 2.377 ppm, 0.131 ppm, and 0.375 ppm respectively.) In the 10 tested Pogonatherum crinitum (Thunb.) Kunth, the overall Aldrin+Dieldrin value of 5 were above the standard (the qualitative and quantifiable values were 0.078 ppm, 1.195 ppm, 0.078 ppm and 0.171 ppm respectively.) In the 10 tested Portulaca oleracea Linn, the overall Aldrin+Dieldrin value of 1 was above the standard (the qualitative and quantifiable values was 1.489 ppm.) In the 10 tested Gynostemma pentapphllum (Thunb.) Makino, the Endrin values of 2 exceeded the standard (the qualitative and quantifiable values were 0.052 ppm and 0.051 ppm respectively.) Examinations on other herbs showed slight content of Supelco TCL 18 Pesticide Mix, however, the volume are all less than 0.0625ppm. |