Background: Falls are known to be one of the most common in patient adverse events. The patients with cancer have multiple risk factors for fall, such as chemotherapy, polypharmacy, cancer-related fatigue, and weakness.
Purpose:The purpose of study is to explore the knowledge and self-efficacy of fall prevention and fall incidence rate in oncology patients.
Methods:The study is a quasi-experimental design. A total of 60 participants were recruited. Data were collected by purposive sampling at oncology ward of a medical center in Taichung. The measurement is a self developed questionnaire for knowledge and self-efficacy of fall prevention. Patient’s fall prevention knowledge and self-efficacy was conducted when patients admitted (pretest) and at the third day in hospitalized (posttest). The implementation was a participatory program on fall prevention. The fall incidence rate of oncology patient in the intervention period was compared with the rate in same period at previous year.
Results:The result revealed that mean score of knowledge of fall prevention was 70.7% and self-efficacy was 46.05 (SD=11.58). The patients self-awareness with consciousness that knowledge of fall prevention is higher than unconscious (p<.05). The self-efficacy of fall prevention with visual impairment, gait and balance problems, diarrhea and urinary frequency was higher than those who did not. The Participatory programs intervention has increased the knowledge of fall prevention (p<.001) and self-efficacy of fall prevention (p<.05) The fall incidence rate was 0.118% decreased to 0.039% with a statistics significant.
Conclusion: Oncology patients have a high risk of falls. Through the participatory programs on fall prevention implementation, the knowledge and self-efficacy of fall prevention are increased, and fall incidence rate are decreased. The result can be the reference for clinical nursing. Patient education about knowledge of prevention fall and possible fall activities would increase patients’ awareness of fall prevention, promoting patient safely and care quality.