研究方法:研究以中部某醫學中心,於2010年6月至9月之急診病人於看診結束後,出院72小時內返診的301位病人及陪同返診家屬為主要收案對象。將所收集資料先行編碼及登錄建檔,並運用電腦統計軟體SPSS 12.0套裝軟體以進行描述性統計、卡方檢定分析病人特性、陪同返診家屬特性及醫療服務因素與非計畫性返診之相關性,最後以羅吉斯迴歸分析探討影響急診病人非計畫性返診之重要因素。
Background and Purpose: In recent years, wide ranges of monitoring devices and measurements have been carried out in hospitals in hopes of advancing the quality of emergency care. One of the most common problems met by emergency departments is the Unplanned Return Emergency Department (URED) in 72 hours. The URED might delay diagnosis, decrease quality of care and increase the cost. The purpose of this study was conducted to investigate the factors that contribute to the problem.
Methods: The study was conducted patients with URED in 72 hours from June 2010 to September 2010 in a medical center in central Taiwan. Data were coded after collected and descriptive statistics were compiled and analysed by Chi-square test for the relation between URED, patient family characteristcs and services quality of hospital under the software of SPSS 12.0. Logistic regression analysis were utilized to explore the factors of URED.
Results: There were 105 people (34.9%) less than 18 year old. One hundrant and twenty nine people (42.9%) were acccompanied by parents aged between 31 to 45 year old. Factors concerning medical care quality such as proficiency of physician, calendar month of visit, and patient triage level all showed correlation with rate of URED(P<0.01, P<0.001 and P<0.01, respectively). After controlling variables, logistic regression showed a significant effect to the URED were difference month and triage level (P<0.01).
Conclusions and Recommendations: Results showed that proficiency of physician, calendar month of visit, and patient triage level were highly associated with unplanned visits to ED. It is therefore reasonable to suggest future emergency care to be carried out by experienced physicians, increasing medical staff during the peak summer months, and providing extra care to patients with higher triage level. Furthermore, following up of discharged patients provides assurance to the patients and families, thereby reducing revisit rate. Resulting in reduced wasting of medical resources and improved medical care quality.