摘要: | 在競爭醫療環境中,如何有效提升護理人員績效表現是很重要的人力資源策略。提升績效的做法之一可透過教育訓練。本研究使用某醫學中心所提供之護理人員績效考核與教育訓練資料庫,以資料探勘技術分析教育訓練與績效之間的相關性,並發現潛在的影響因素。本研究透過資料探勘分類 (Classification)、關聯法則 (Association Rules) 的主要特性,來發現潛在的知識。使用決策樹 (CART, CHAID)與關聯分析 (Apriori)等三種演算法來建立分類與預測模型。探勘資料來源為2007至2010四年的資料,預測變項為年齡、年資、教育程度、護理專業能力級職、護理歸屬科別、課程類別、訓練時數與員工考績。本研究結果發現教育訓練時數達到98.75小時以上,且護理專業能力級職較高者,績效也會比較高;在「課程類別」中,「教與學」、「研究發展」、「行政管理」、「靈性教育」、「自我成長」會對績效產生影響。「社區照護實務」會與「人際關係」、「團隊精神/領導能力」、「執行能力/規劃能力」產生關聯性。本研究發現上過「護理專業級職訓練」課程會提升護理人員績效,建議護理人員應多參與護理專業級職訓練並積極取得護理能力進階認證。在課程類別中發現除了一般專業課程,護理人員也應該增加一些研究發展、行政管理與靈性教育的課程,以提升專業以外的能力。從研究中了解到教育訓練與績效有著相關性,所以醫院在開授教育訓練課程時,應有系統性的規劃,這樣不但可以有效提升護理人員的工作績效,也可以讓護理人員在職場上有著健全的發展。
In a highly competition medical environment, enhancing the performance of nursing staff effectively is one of the important strategies of human resources management. In this study, databases from a medical center are used for analysis. These databases include nursing staff performance appraisal database and nursing education training database. Data mining technology is employed to explore the relationships between education training and performance, and to discover the potential influence factors Data mining methods used in this study include classification and association rules to discover relative knowledge. Two decision trees (CART and CHAID) and Apriori algorithm are employed. Data collected from 2007 to 2010 are used for this study. Predicting variables include age, working experience, education, nursing rankings, department, curriculum category, training hours, and appraisal. The results show that nurses who take educational training hours more than 98.75 and who have higher professional levels achieve better performance. Curriculum categories including Teaching and Learning, Research and Development, Administrative Management, Spiritual Education and Self-development affect performance of nursing staff. Community-based care category has relationships to Human Relationship, Team Spirit/Leadership, and Execution/Planning Competence. In conclusion, nursing staff who take Advanced Capability Education will help them achieve better performance. Therefore, It is important to encourage nurses to attend the Advanced Capability Education and obtain an advanced competence. In curriculum category, nursing staff should also attend Research and Development, Administrative Management, and Spiritual Education courses to develop various abilities in addition to nursing professional courses. In this study, there is a relationship between nursing educational training and performance. Therefore, hospitals need to provide a systemic plan for nursing educational training. Then, the performance of nursing staff can be improved effectively and developed comprehensively in nursing career. |