摘要: | 目前全球中風人口日益增加,隨著平均人口老年化及飲食、生活型態的改變下,更提升了中風的發生率。中風後的併發症亦相當多,包括認知能力、行動能力及基本生理需求等皆會受到影響,其中排尿發生障礙造成尿液瀦留的問題在中風後病人身上更是常見,尿瀦留不僅會造成病人的不適感,亦會增加生殖泌尿道感染的危險性,對於患者的生活品質是一莫大的影響。
我們共收入7位急性中風後患有尿液瀦留症狀患者(無法自解小便或自解後餘尿量大於100c.c.),排除泌尿道感染後,先以尿路動力學檢查其膀胱排尿功能,再行電針十次療程後,以排尿日記記錄來評估實驗結果,並以重複測量變異數分析(Repeated measure ANOVA)執行統計資料分析。
Recently stroke population is growing in the whole world. With the aging population and the change of diet and life style,the incidence of stroke is increased.Considerable complications after stroke,including cognitive ability, mobility and basical physiologic needs will be affected.When stroke patients suffering from voiding disorder of urine retention is common,patients with urinary retention will not only cause discomfort,but increase the risk of genitourinary infections.This is a great influence on patient's quality of life.
Electroacupuncture (EA) has been widely used to treat post-stroke complications,but the related literature of evaluating post-stroke urine retention is inadequate,and there were lack of strict and objective point of view for closing the case and efficacy analysis.This study used prospective study designs aims to explore the degree of improvement in urine retention with the treatment of EA for patients after stroke.
We received a total of seven acute stroke patients with symptoms of urinary retention (unable to urinate or after themselves voiding residual urine volume greater than 100c.c.). When excluding patients with urinary tract infection, we used urodynamics to exam their bladder function.After ten times EA treatment,the results were evaluated by the urine records, and repeated measurement analysis of variance (Repeated measure ANOVA) was used to run the analysis of statistics data.
The results of our study showed that the efficacy of EA treatment for the stroke patients with urinary retention of urine was effective.It was indeed reduced the residual urine volume(P <0.05),but in other variables,including:gender,history of diabetes,stroke subtype,FIM scores and Barthel Index scores etc. were not significantly different(P>0.05).However,the statistics results related to stroke area showed that the EA treatment for different sites of stroke can influence the ratio of residual urine volume.According to this part of the statistical results,we need to review insufficient number of medulla stroke patients,resulting in the problem of inadequate statistical significance.
Furthermore,for cerebellar stroke patients to observe the recovery of urinary function with EA,there may be impact assessment of the situation.So considering the conditions,the subjects might be excluded.If we can enroll more medulla stroke patients in this study,the results of assessment will be more persuasive. |