題名: | 浸膏類樹脂類藥材兒茶、血竭、乳香及沒藥之品質評估 Quality Evaluation of Herbal Medicine Ercha, Xuejie,
Ruxiang and Moyao |
作者: | 吳坤璋 |
貢獻者: | 中國藥學暨中藥資源學系碩士班 |
關鍵詞: | 兒茶;血竭;乳香;沒藥;品質
Ercha;Catechu;Gambir;Xuejie;Ruxiang;Moyao |
日期: | 2011-07-07 |
上傳時間: | 2011-10-17 16:01:13 (UTC+8) |
出版者: | 中國醫藥大學 |
摘要: | 本研究之目的在於探討非原產於中國大陸之南洋中藥,對浸膏類藥材兒茶和樹脂類藥材血竭、乳香及沒藥結合本草學、植物分佈、藥材採製、歷代貿易文化、藥典收載狀況之文獻考察與化學分析等實驗來達到品質評估之目的。
綜合來講,兒茶有豆科兒茶膏(Acacia catechu (L.) Willd.)與茜草科方兒茶(日本稱阿仙藥,Uncaria gambir Roxb.)兩種,前者為《中國藥典》(1)收載之正品兒茶來源,主產於雲南與印度西南部(2,3,4),後者為《日本藥局方》(5)、《英國藥典》(6)收載之正品兒茶來源,主產於印尼蘇門答臘、馬來西亞沙巴(2,3,4)。
血竭在古代所使用可能為西漢時經絲路傳入中國的百合科索科特拉龍血樹(Dracaena cinnabari Balf. f.)、龍血樹(Dracaena draco L.)樹幹之樹脂,後因陸上絲路受阻與海上貿易之發展,約在明朝傳入棕櫚科(Palmae)植物麒麟竭(Daemonorops draco Bl.)果實滲出的樹脂當作血竭使用(7-9)。
目前,臺灣市售沒藥形態主要有兩種,中藥店習用之黑色方形沒藥經來源考證有兩種說法:(1)來源為原產於印度之穆庫爾沒藥(Commiphora mukul Engl.),此種來源之沒藥為《美國藥典》、《The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India》(10)所收載使用,(2)為印度收購中東產沒藥,在印度經加工裹狗皮後來臺灣加工製成;而另一種中藥廠習用之膠質沒藥(Commiphora myrrha Engl.等),為產自阿拉伯半島南部、衣索比亞及索馬利亞,此來源之沒藥為《英國藥典》、《歐洲藥典》所收載使用,兩者皆符合《臺灣傳統藥典》(11)之來源規範。
本研究採行多種兒茶鑑別方法,可有效判斷不同來源之兒茶藥材並指出臺灣市售兒茶以茜草科兒茶在化學規格與指標成分兒茶素(Catechin)與表兒茶素(Epicatechin)含量的表現上較為優良,另首次指出臺灣過去檳榔攤調配白灰習用之白兒茶(習稱白甘密)應為茜草科植物兒茶鈎藤(Uncaria gambir Roxb.)加工品的一種;另臺灣目前未發現有百合科之龍血竭的使用;而臺灣市售乳香質量與品種較為穩定,據調查應為產自東非之乳香(Boswellia spp.)而非傳統認知的衣索比亞、索馬利亞,與《英國藥典》、《美國藥典》及《歐洲藥典》所規範之印度種來源不同;沒藥以植物分布、薄層層析結果與本草產地考察來看,本研究較偏向中藥店習用之沒藥為印度之穆庫爾沒藥(Commiphora mukul Engl.),以上考察與研究之成果應可具體對中醫藥政策訂定與中藥從業人員執業有所助益與啟發。
The aim of the study was to investigate non-aboriginal Chinese materia medica, Ercha, Xuejie, Ruxiang, and Moyao. The researcher conducted literature review and experimental analysis to evaluate the qualities of the above materia medica. Literature review was implemented through the investigation into “Pentsaology”, the origins and distributions of the plants, the medicine production process, historical trading culture, and the descriptions of the materia medica in different pharmacopoeias.
There are two kinds of Ercha in Taiwan: Acacia catechu (L.) Willd. (Leaguminosae) and Uncaria gambir Roxb. (Rubiaceae). The former is mainly produced in Yunnan and southwest India, while the latter is from Indonesia and Malaysia. Xuejie used to be the resin of the cortex of Dracaena cinnabari Balf. f. or Dracaena draco L. (Liliaceae) in ancient times. In Han dynasty, it was distributed from Middle East to China via Silk Road. However, due to the obstruction of Silk Road and the development of trading via seaway, Xuejie from the resin of Daemonorops draco Bl. (Palmae) had been widely used.
Ruxiang’s places of origin spread from Oman, Yemen, Ethiopia, Somalia, to India. The species of Ruxiang in India is different from those in Middle East countries.
Two major types of Moyao are used in Taiwan. The commonly used black-squared Moyao in traditional herbal stores may come from Commiphora mukul Engl. and is included in the “United States Pharmacopoeia” and the “Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India”. The other Moyao (Commiphora myrrha Engl.) preferably used in pharmaceutical factories is produced in Arabian Peninsula, Ethiopia, and Somalia, and is included in “British Pharmacopoeia” and “European Pharmacopoeia”. They both conform to the definitions in “Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopoeia”.
Due to the complicated manufacturing process and the absence of obvious characteristics of the original plants, chemical analysis becomes crucially important to resinous and extracted materia medica. In this study, the researcher conducted Thin-Layer Chromatographic Identification (TLC), High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Fingerprinting (HPLC), and antioxidant activity evaluation to investigate the qualities of Ercha, Xuejie, Ruxiang, and Moyao.
Results show that, the total ash content of Ercha from Acacia catechu (L.) Willd is 45.18%, and acid insoluble ash is 21.69%; while the total ash content of Ercha from Uncaria gambier Roxb. is 6.45%, and acid insoluble ash is 2.33%. Ercha from Uncaria gambier Roxb. mainly conforms to the standards in “Japanese Pharmacopoeia”, and is also in accordance with the standards in “PRC Pharmacopoeia” regarding chemical markers, Catechin and Epicatechin. Furthermore, from the identification of Catechin and Epicatechin analysis, the results also support the better quality of Ercha from Uncaria gambier Roxb. than Ercha from Acacia catechu (L.) Willd.
From HPLC identification, the commercially obtained Xuejie can be considered as from Daemonorops draco Bl.(Palmae). However, the contents of chemical marker Dracorhodin in 96% of the Xuejie samples are lower than the standard in “PRC Pharmacopoeia”. The reason of the insufficient content of Dracorhodin may need further investigation. Nevertheless, the research has provided a good reference of chemical marker Dracorhodin for adding Xuejie in “Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopoeia”.
From TLC identification and chemical analysis, plus resources from Chinese materia medica traders, the researcher infers Ruxiang used in Taiwan should come from a single area in east Africa. The places of source in this study and included in several pharmacopoeias can also be the reference in editing “Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopoeia”.
Although there is only little difference in chemical specification of Moyao (from Commiphora mukul Engl.), commonly used in traditional herbal stores and Jieujimoyao (from Commiphora myrrha Engl.), preferably used in pharmaceutical factories, the compositions of the two types of Moyao display significant difference in TLC identification. There are critical purple points at Rf value of 0.4 and 0.8 on TLC fingerprinting of Jieujimoyao, which can be suggested as identification references.
The researcher adopted different methods to identify Ercha and concluded Uncaria gambir Roxb. to perform better in chemical analysis and contain more chemical markers, Catechin and Epicatechin. Another finding was that Baiercha used in betel nuts could be one of Ercha productions from Uncaria gambier Roxb. Up to the present time, there is no record of using Xuejie from Dracaena spp. (Liliaceae) in Taiwan. Ruxiang used in Taiwan is considered to have more stable quality and should be from east Africa instead of Ethiopia and Somalia. The finding differs from the descriptions of origins stated in “British Pharmacopoeia”, the “United States Pharmacopoeia”, and “European Pharmacopoeia”. Due to distributions of the plants, TLC identification, investigation into “Pentsaology”, the researcher infers Moyao used in traditional herbal stores may come from Commiphora mukul Engl The investigation into literature review and the research results can provide assistance to a certain extent in making Chinese medicine policies as well as be of a little inspiration to Chinese medicine practitioners or pharmacists. |
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