摘要: | 土肉桂(Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehira)是一種台灣特有的原生種中型常綠喬木,由於全株富含肉桂醛,具有良好的抗菌、抗蟎、抗白蟻、抗蚊、抗真菌活性。可代替肉桂供藥用及香料,具有極高的經濟價值。然而有假桂樹之稱的陰香(Cinnamomum burmannii (Nee) Blume)因其外型與土肉桂極為相似,不易辨別,種苗業者常將外來引進之陰香以土肉桂之名魚目混珠,造成樹種鑑定上之紛爭,衍生諸多造林上及生態上的問題。
Indigenous cinnamon(Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehira) is one of the indigenous hardwood species in Taiwan, The main constituents of C. cassia and C. osmophloeum is cinnamaldehyde, which has shown excellent inhibitory effects on anti-bacteria, anti-termites, anti-mites, antimildew, anti-mosquito larvae, and anti-fungi. It can replace the cinnamon with spices and medicinal, which has high value.
However, The Yin-Xiang (Cinnamomum burmannii (Nee) Blume) is due to a fast-growing and bushy foliage, it is more popular used to landscaper that in our country. Because of their similar appearance between with indigenous cinnamon and Yin Xiang, therefore, it is difficult to discriminate each other. The dealer often introduce Yin Xiang as adulterant rather than indigenous cinnamon, which makes many problems in the afforestation and ecology
This study focused on the microscopic identification of comparative pharmacognosy, principal component analysis of metabolomics and RFLP of genomics to discriminate the Cinnamomum osmophloeum, Cinnamomum burmannii and other related plants. In this research, the rapid identification of microscopic sections, requires more higher experience and skills. The metabolomic comparison between C. osmophloeum and C. burmannii is easy to be affected by the environmental or climate factors. In contrast, genomics identification has many adventages such as better reproducibility, sensitivity and more simple and fast to identify the sources of species for quality control on the safety of food ingredients and others bioresources. |