摘要: | 《新方八陣》為明朝溫補學派著名醫家張景岳所著,書中將自創的方劑依方略部署成八陣:補陣、和陣、攻陣、散陣、寒陣、熱陣、固陣、因陣,以新方八略專論治則,新方八陣含括方藥以為治療。書中部分方劑已被廣泛研究並臨床使用,但對八陣完整架構分析的研究則甚缺乏,故本研究以《新方八陣》為研究題料,以景岳其它著作中的學術理念及使用時機來闡釋整個陣的內容,試圖釐清各新方陣略欲呈現的特點。結果發現:1. 景岳以陰陽命門學說與真陰論部署新方八略,明理陰陽六變列方為新方八陣,故方略為方陣思想理論,陰陽命門學說乃方略理論思想。2. 新方八陣各有其方陣特色:(1) 以補陣最完整呈現景岳陰陽命門學說與真陰論的生理、病理及論治層次,將陰陽互根、精氣互生、先天生後天及後天濟先天等環環相扣,並以熟地、甘草、當歸調補陰血。(2) 和陣重在調和氣機,實有二陳湯、平胃散、四苓湯等方加減變化之意。(3) 攻陣設立欲以攻實,主用皂角祛邪實積聚。(4) 散陣解表以治外感諸疾,豐富了柴胡解表的立論及組方,與運用甘草、當歸、芍藥益陰血以助柴胡和解散寒。(5) 寒陣以寒藥除熱,治療實熱為主,清熱類藥物使用較多。(6) 熱陣主溫熱藥除寒,重乾薑、附子或肉桂的使用。(7) 固陣主要用於固澀遺精、帶下、經水不固等,以補而兼固的藥使用最多。(8) 因陣的方劑最多也最雜,含括婦科、痘疹、瘧疾、外科、外用方等,強調辨別標本,標本合參才是因陣真正意涵。3. 八陣方劑補古未備,具貫穿扶正之特點:(1) 新方諸特點,輯成補古未備;(2) 內傷兼雜病者,重元氣後治病;(3) 補陰於各陣,重陽以陰為基;(4)補陰中之陽,實為陽中求陰;(5)高頻使用草歸熟茯芍等藥,重補陰及氣機通調。比對文獻差異後發現,本研究比近代學者研究更能體現出景岳立方陣的原意。
Xin Fan Ba Zhen written by Zhang Jing-Yue, who was a famous doctor of warm-supplementary school in Ming Dynasty, included new formulas designed in compliance with strategies to construct eight arrays into Supplementation Array, Harmonization Array, Attack Array, Dispersing Array, Cooling Array, Warming Array, Securing Array, and Cause Array. Where listed eight schemes to talk about therapeutic principles, and eight tactical arrays contained formulas and drugs to treat diseases. Some formulas in this book have been popularly researched and clinicaly studied, but not the whole construction of the eight arrays. Therefore, we used the Xin Fan Ba Zhen as study materials and the contents of Jing-Yue’s writings as study references to try to finger out the characteristics of the eight schemes and arrays. The results demonstrated that, firstly, Jing-Yue designed the Xin Fan Ba Lve in accordance with the yin-yang and life-gate theory and the true-yin theory. Yin-yang and six changes made the new formulas reasonably to Xin Fan Ba Zhen. It means that the schemes are the basis of the arrays, and the yin-yang and life-gate theory are the basis of the schemes. Secondly, there were respective characteristics of each arrays. Supplementation Array represented the physiology, pathology, and treatments of the yin-yang and life-gate theory and the true-yin theory of Jing-Yue the most completely, and represented the relationship of yin and yang are rooted in each other, jing and qi are transformed in each other, the congenital develops the acquired, and the acquired resupply the congenital. Cooked rehmannia, licorice, and tangkuei were used to nourish yin-blood. Harmonization Array emphasized on harmonizing qi dynamic and composed variant usages of Two Matured Ingredient Decoction, Stomach-Calming Powder, and Poria Four Fecoction Decoction. Attack Array was designed to attack repletion, and gleditsia was used mainly. Dispersing Array resolved the exterior in every situation, enriched the theories of using bupleurum to resolve the exterior and constitute formulas, and used licorice, tangkuei, and white peony to supplement yin-blood to assist bupleurum to harmonize and dissipate cold. Cooling Array used cold medicinals to eliminate mainly the repletion heat , so the cold medicinals were used more than others. Warming Array contained formulas composed of warm and hot drugs to cure the cold, and valued the usages of the dried ginger, aconites, and cinnamon bark. Securing Array was made for securing and astricting seminal emission, vaginal discharge, and menstruation insecurity, etc, and used the drugs both supplementing and securing more than others. Cause Array mainly in gynecology, pox, fever and cold, surgery, and external medicine, are more and far more complex than other arrays. To emphasis on distinguishing tip and root, and consider the root and tip stimulatory are the real concepts of Cause Array. Thirdly, the new formulas in the eight arrays added what the old formulas lacked, and had the characteristics of persist in supporting right showing in following features. Every characteristic in the new formulas of the eight arrays can make up the insufficiencies of the old formulas. People with internal injure and miscellaneous diseases were cared by supplementing original qi before treating disease. Supplementing yin was used in most arrays showing the key point the yang is based on yin. Supplementing the yang in yin was seeking yin in yang. The high frequencies of using licorice, tangkuei, cooked rehmannia, poria, and white peony mean Jing-Yue placed importance on supplementing yin, and freeing qi dynamic. After comparing the recent literature on studying Xin Fan Ba Zhen by other academicians, we found that our study can reveal the original intentions of Jing-Yue constituting the new formulas in the eight arrays more clearly. |