人體內賀爾蒙和細胞激素的分泌對受損骨組織的修復扮演著重要的角色。其中,雌激素可活化骨母細胞而促進骨組織的修復與再生。不過雌激素對人體有很大的副作用,尋找相當較無害的替代物是必要的。本研究藉以此為出發點,利用固定化接受器動態擷取技術(AFTIR: After Flowing Through Immobilized Receptor)來篩選中草藥中與雌激素類似可和雌激素接受器(estrogen receptor)結合的有效成分。
AFTIR的研究結果顯示,杜仲內含有能對雌激素接受器具有高親和力的有效成分。在生物活性檢測方面亦顯示杜仲(<100 μg/ml)具有促進骨母細胞增生的現象。其有效成分的組成及化學結構的分析正進行中。
Study of Effective Components of Herbal Medicines
for Bone Remodeling by Using After Flowing Through
Immobilized Receptor Method
Tsai-Yu Lin
Major Professor:Tung-Yuan Lai
Graduate Institute of Chinese Medical Science,
China Medical University
Many hormones and cytokines play important roles in bone remodeling in human. Estrogen is one of the most interests because it can activate osteoblasts and promote the successful repair and regeneration of bone tissue. However, estrogen has severe side effects and therefore finding a suitable replace- ment is necessary. In this study, a pharmaceutical screening method (AFTIR, After Flowing Through Immobilized Receptor) is designed and applied to screen herbal medicines and tried to find active compound(s), which can bind to the estrogen receptor with the activity similar to the estrogen. The results showed that Cortex Eucommiae had estrogen receptor binding active compound. The outcomes of bioassay also indicated that the fraction of Cortex Eucommiae collected via AFTIR could promote the growth of osteoblasts in vitro. Detailed analysis for the active compound(s) from this herb is underway in experiments.