摘要: | 獼猴桃始載於開寶本草。獼猴桃全株均可藥用。台灣民間使用台灣羊桃之根莖治療肝炎,也用於強心利尿劑,並治療失眠等。
本研究以抗氧化力的操作平台對台灣產的五種獼猴桃屬植物台灣羊桃(Actinidia chinensis Planch. var. setosa Li.)、闊葉獼猴桃(A. latifolia (Gardn. & Champ.) Merr.)、紅莖獼猴桃(A. rubricaulis Dunn)、駝齒獼猴桃(A. callosa Lindl. var. ephippioidea C.F. Liang)、硬齒獼猴桃(A. callosa Lindl. var. callosa (C.B. Clarke) Ridley)的莖部用50%乙醇萃取物進行篩選測定,方法有Trolox總抗氧化能力(TEAC assay)、FRAP法、DPPH清除染色法、清除DPPH自由基能力和還原力。研究結果顯示,硬齒獼猴桃對Trolox總抗氧化能力(TEAC assay)、FRAP法、DPPH清除染色法、清除DPPH自由基能力、還原力的測定中,均具有最好的總抗氧化能力。又硬齒獼猴桃同樣有最高的多酚類及黃酮醇類的含量測定值,在與Trolox當量的總抗氧化能力之相關性比較結果顯示其與總多酚類含量有正相關性的趨勢(R2=1.00, p<0.05),也與黃酮醇 (R2=0.91, p<0.05)有正相關性,證實其抗氧化力與多酚類有正相關性,而且和類黃酮類中之黃酮醇類成分也有正相關性。其FRAP也與總抗氧化能力成正相關性。
多年以來肝臟疾病在台灣的十大死因中始終居高不下,因此能消除自由基與過氧化物質之抗氧化劑被期待為治療肝疾患的藥物。本實驗以四氯化碳誘導的急、慢性肝損傷試驗中,發現口服硬齒獼猴桃莖部50%乙醇抽出物具有降低GOT、GPT之功效,並且提升肝臟內抗氧化酵素SOD、GSH-Rd及GSH-Px之活性而達到保肝作用,並且從病理切片得到證實。因此可推論硬齒獼猴桃莖部50%乙醇抽出物具有保肝作用且與其抗氧化能力有正相關性,且與體外試驗的抗氧化篩選平台所得結果相符合。Actinidiae caulis was described in the Kai-Bau pentsaology. The whole plant of Actinidiae caulis was used as herbal medicine. The stem and root of Actinidia chinensis Planch var. setosa Li were used to treat hepatitis, insomnia,
and to be used as cardiotonic-diuretic agent inTaiwan.
In the present study, we examined the antioxidant activities of 50% ethanol extracts of five Actinidia species: Actinidia chinensis Planch var. setosa Li (ACS), A. latifolia (Gardn. & Champ.) Merr. (AL), A. rubricaulis Dunn (AR), A. callosa var. ephippioidea C.f.Liang (ACE), and A. callosa var. callosa (C.B. Clarke) Ridley (ACC) by using the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity assay (TEAC), ferric reducing ability assay (FRAP), DPPH staining, and the
DPPH radical scavenging and reducing power method.
The results shown that 50% ethanol extracts of ACC has the highest total
antioxidant activity among the five species of Actinidia.
By using total polyphenol and flavonoid content tests, we found that ACC possessed the highest amounts of total polyphenol and flavonoid among the five species of Actinidia. The antioxidant activities of the five species of Actinidia varied significantly and correlated strongly with total polyphenol content. The results suggested that the total polyphenol content in 50% ethanolic extracts of five species of Actinidia contributed significantly to the antioxidant capacities.
Liver ailment is the top 10 death reason in Taiwan for many years. Antioxidants have been looked forward to treat the liver complaint for its ability to clear the free radicals and peroxides. The results shown 50% ethanol extract of ACC reduced the elevated levels of serum glutamate-oxalate transaminase (sGOT) and glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (sGPT) caused by CCl4-induced acute liver injury. 50% ethanol extract of ACC obviously reduced the elevated levels of serum glutamate-oxalate transaminase (sGOT) and glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (sGPT) caused by CCl4 at weeks 1, 3, 6, and 8 in the chronic liver injury. The biochemical results were confirmed by pathological observations. The 50% ethanol extract of ACC recovered the CCl4-induced liver injury and showed antioxidant effect in assays of antioxidant enzyme activity, such as SOD, GSH-Px and GSH-Rd. Based on these results, we suggested that the hepatoprotective effect of the 50% ethanol extract of ACC is related to its
antioxidant activity. |