目的 本研究在比較學生在客觀結構式臨床技能評估(objective structured clinical examination, OSCE)考試中所得到的人際行爲技能得分與所得到的OSCE筆試部份得分兩者之相關性。方法 這次OSCE考試共有醫學系及中醫學系五年級學生202人參加,在五年級整合課程結束期末考後實施。一套OSCE考試有四個題目,每一個題目分成二站:詢問站及試卷站,總共設置成爲八個站,每一個站限時都是5分鍾,每個循環費時40分。二套完全一樣題目的OSCE考試同時進行。問題站配置有一個標准化病人,學生根據張貼在入口處的指示來執行病史詢問或身體某部份的理學檢查,標准化病人使用評量表來考核學生的人際行爲技能得分,評量表分為A表、B表兩部分:A表爲一般評量,B表爲臨床技能評量。有八個兒科部的資深住院醫師擔任標准化病人。試卷站是給學生在這裏回答和前一個問題站的標准化病人相關的考題,其答卷得分算做OSCE筆試得分。結果 研究顯示利用訓練過的標准化病人來對學生做人際行爲能評量是可信的,由標准化病人評量學生所得到人際行爲得分與回答考卷所得到的OSCE筆試得分確寶呈現有意義的正相關,因而能反映出學生的臨床能力。結論 訓練住院醫師來擔任標凖化病人是可行的。由分析OSCE考試的結果,可以用來評量學生以及做爲改進教學之參考。
Objectives. To compare the interpersonal skill scores evaluated by standardized patients (SPs) with the scores of written objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) in assessing medical student performance by OSCE Methods. A total of 202 fifth year medical students from the Schools of Medicine and Chinese Medicine participated in a 4-problem,8-station OSCE. Two tracks of the 8-station examination were run simultaneously. The examination was held at the end of the integrated curriculum in the fifth year. Each OSCE problem was divided into two stations, a question station, students were asked to perform history taking and/or physical examination on a standardized patient who assessment students responded to 3 questions concerning the SP in the preceding question station, this score was taken as written OSCE score. Results. The results revealed that it was appropriate to assess' interpersonal skills by well-trained residents to function as SPs. The interpersonal skill scores evaluated by SPs significantly correlated with the written OSCE scores. Conclusions. Trained residents to function as SPs for evaluating student' interpersonal skills is feasible. The results of an OSCE can be used to evaluate students and to promote clinical education.