摘要: | 傳統中醫經絡理論認為十二經脈內屬於臟腑,外絡肢節,脾經聯絡於脾臟,而肝經則與肝臟相聯絡,即所謂經脈的特異性。因此,本研究的目的是探討十二經脈的特異性。我們分別於Spragrue-Dawley大鼠的脾經合穴陰陵泉(SP9)和肝經合穴曲泉(LR8)施予 2 Hz電針刺激,使用雷射都卜勒血流測定儀同時記錄肝臟和脾臟血流。實驗分為假電針組,陰陵泉組和曲泉組,血流測定分為電針前期紀錄(baseline紀錄)、電針期紀錄和電針後期紀錄,每期記錄10分鐘,並於每期記錄完成時立即分別從右側股動脈採血測量一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)濃度。結果顯示假電針不能增加肝臟或脾臟血液量,而2 Hz電針兩側的陰陵泉能增加脾臟,但不能增加肝臟的血流量;相反的,2 Hz電針兩側曲泉能增加肝臟,但不能增加脾臟血流量。各組三期之間的NO濃度改變,未達統計學上的顯著。
The meridian theory of Traditional Chinese medicine considers that twelve meridians belongs to viscera and bowels internally, and connects to limbs and joints externally. Spleen meridian connects to spleen, and liver meridian connects to liver, i.e. so call meridian specificity. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate specificity of twelve meridians. We applied 2 Hz electroacupuncture(EA)to Yinlingquan(SP9)acupoint that is a sea acupoint of spleen, and Ququan(LR8)acupoint that a sea acupoint of liver meridian, respectively. The blood flow of spleen and liver was recorded simultaneously by a laser Doppler blood flow monitor. The experiment was divided into sham, Yinlingquan, and Ququan groups, and blood flow recordings were divided into before EA period(baseline period), EA period and post-EA period, each period was 10 min recordings. Nitric oxide levels(NO)were measured at finishing before EA period, EA period and post-EA period recordings from right femoral arterial blood. Results indicated that sham group could not increase the blood flow of liver and spleen; 2 Hz EA applied to bilateral Yinlingquan acupoints could increase the blood flow of spleen, but could not increase the blood flow of liver; In contrast, 2 Hz EA applied to bilateral Ququan acupoints could increase the blood flow of liver, but could not increase the blood flow of spleen; NO levels were not significantly difference among three periods in each group.
Based on these results, the sea point of different has specificity to its connecting viscera, these results also proof the qi of meridian is from sea point into meridian and the meridian connects to its viscera. |