Reducing obesity by acupuncture is the endocrine function that achieves the curative effect because of the obesity adjustment. On the one hand suppressing people’s appetite, and slowing down the stomach creeping motion reduces the hyperfunction of the digestion , and increases stomach's evacuation time. Simultaneously, it controls the body to the unnecessary material absorption, and reduces the storage of the calorie .On the other hand, acupuncture may accelerate the body fat metabolism, decrease the storage of the fat in vivo, and prompt the steatolysis and serves the purpose of reducing weight. Reduing weight by acupuncture is according to the point of the channel theory to adjust body's metabolism function. This trial uses control group, acupuncture group, electro-acupuncture group comparison, and appraises the curative effect by weight, BMI and the waist fluctuation to evaluate the effect of reducing weight. The result of the trial shows that acupuncture and electro-acupuncture accurately have curative effect to reduce weight and waist .It may provide an effective and safe way to the common people to reducing weight.