Previous reports suggested that garlic oil could protect the cardiovascular system and lower the blood sugar level. However, the effect and mechanism to protect diabetes-induced cardiaomyopathy by garlic oil is unclear. In the present study, we used STZ-induced diabetic rats to investigate whether garlic oil could protect heart by decreasing apoptotic proteins of apoptotic pathways. Wistar STZ-induced diabetic rats received gavage garlic oil (0, 10, 50 or 100 mg/kg body weight) every two days until 16 days after the induction of diabetes. Normal rats without diabetes were used as control. Using RT-PCR or Western blotting assays, we found that RNA or protein levels of Fas-ligand, Fas-associated death domain, caspase-9 and caspase-3 were decreased by garlic oil in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, the anti-apoptotic effect of garlic oil on diabetic rat heart tissue is mitochondrial and death-receptor pathway-dependent.