摘要: | 骨碎補為常用中藥之一,根莖有補腎強骨、續筋止痛之效。主要治療腎虛腰痛、耳鳴耳聾、牙齒鬆動、跌撲閃挫、筋骨折傷;外治斑禿,白癜風等。骨碎補類藥材之來源植物應為水龍骨科 (Polypodiaceae)植物槲蕨(Drynaria fortunei (KUNTZE) J. SMITH)之根莖,經採集調查,發現台灣地區之骨碎補有水龍骨科(Polypodiaceae)槲蕨屬(Drynaria (BORY) J. SMITH)植物一種,槲蕨(Drynaria fortunei (KUNTZE) J. SMITH),崖薑蕨屬(Pseudodrynaria (C. CHRISTENSEN) CHING)一種,崖薑蕨(Pseudodrynaria coronans (WALLICH) CHING),骨碎補科(Davalliaceae)骨碎補屬(Davallia SMITH) 植物有三種,分別為:大葉骨碎補(Davallia divaricata BLUME)、海州骨碎補(Davallia mariesii MOORE ex BAKER)、闊葉骨碎補(Davallia solida (FORST) SWARTZ)以及陰石蕨屬(Humata CAVANILLES)植物一種,杯狀蓋陰石蕨(Humata griffithiana (HOOKER) C. CHRISTENSEN)等共計六種。骨碎補不僅是常用中藥且為民間常用的青草藥,民間因此大量使用本藥材,造成臺灣產骨碎補類藥材的族群迅速減少,在大量需求下,於是使用其不同品種等為代用品,造成野生藥用植物的濫採,本研究之目的:進行槲蕨及大葉骨碎補兩種原植物的組織培養大量繁殖及馴化栽培,提供大量繁殖所得的材料,作為研發、資源開發及產業的推廣。
Now Gusuibu has been used is one of the most usually in Chinese medicine, its rhizoma was used for invigorating the kidney and strengthen bones, restoring the tendon and alleviate pain, that cure for lambago due to asthenia of kidney, tinnitus and deafness, tooth-loose, sudden sprain and contusion due to trauma, sprain of extremities; ie., topical application is used for alopecia areata, seborrheic, etc. The botanical origin of rhizoma derivated of Gusuibu should be only incoulded the Drynaria fortunei (KUNZE) J. SMITH (fam. Polypodiaceae). Through collection, research and identification of Gusuibu in Taiwan, six species were found as D. fortunei (KUNZE) J. SMITH (fam. Polypodiaceae), Pseudodrynaria coronans (WALLICH) CHING (fam. Polypodiaceae), Davallia divaricata BLUME (fam. Davalliaceae), Davallia mariesii MOORE ex BAKER (fam. Davalliaceae), Davallia solida (FORST) SWARTZ (fam. Davalliaceae) and Humata griffithiana (HOOKER) C. CHRISTENSEN (fam. Davalliaceae). Becase of the numerous marking plant resources and mass application of Gusuibu in Taiwan, populations of these kind of medicines were decreasing quickly. Due to the mass demand and application of alternates of different species, the excessive collection of wild medical plants was causing obviously. The objectives in this study are: to proceed the tissue culture, mass propagation and domestication of the two original species, Drynaria fortunei and Davallia divaricata , and use these mass propagation material for developing study, resource and yield promotion. |