摘要: | 筋骨草又名金瘡小草、白馬蜈蚣草、散血草、有苞筋骨草、百症草等,為台灣民間常用中藥之一,全草具有清熱解毒,止咳化痰,養筋活血之功效。筋骨草藥材來源應為唇形科(Labiatae)植物Ajuga decumbens THUNB ex MURRAY 匍伏筋骨草及A. taiwanensis NAKAI ex MURATA 臺灣筋骨草等二品種。近年來藥理實驗證明筋骨草藥材具有保肝的作用及活血化淤等療效。民間因此大量使用及栽種本類藥材,在大量需求下,於是使用其不同品種,如A. dictyocarpa HAYATA 網果筋骨草、A. nipponensis MAKINO 日本筋骨草及A. pygmaea A. GRAY 矮筋骨草等為代用品,甚至有同名異物,如石松科Lycopodium cernuum LINN.筋骨草,造成筋骨藥材的混用。因此本計畫針對台灣產筋骨草藥材進行品種及來源調查,利用傳統五官鑑定法、顯微鏡檢鑑定法、化學成分鑑定法及分子生物鑑定法等,進行基原鑑定之研究,釐清其基原,建立科學化的鑑別機制,以供未來鑑別之依據,能更快速及準確的比對正確之基原。瞭解誤用混用與正品之差異性,提供筋骨草藥材基原鑑定之完整可行的參考資料,而種源的收集將可提供日後比對及研究的依據。將可避免市售中草藥混誤用對民眾用藥安全造成之危害。同時進行本類藥材的活性評估,與匍伏筋骨草及臺灣筋骨草兩種原植物的組織培養大量繁殖及馴化栽培,提供大量繁殖所得的材料,作為研發、資源開發及產業的推廣。
The plant is commonly used in indigenous system of medicine as antibacterial and anti-malarial. Its plant source belongs to Labiatae the plant of Ajuga decumbens and A. taiwanensis. The pharmacology experiment proves that this kind of crude drags has curative effect, such as function which protect the liver and invigorating blood circulation silt, etc. in recent years, use and plant this kind of crude drags in a large amount among the people, under the generous demand, then use its different varieties, etc. to be the substitute, even there is foreign matter of the same name, cause using with the plant of medical herbs of Ajugae Herba. To identification the true and false plant resources by using microscope, chemical composition and molecular type to dissect the medical plants, to observe the inside structure, to draw the picture of powdery character, to describe the contents of inside and powdery tissue. Understand that misapplies and uses the difference with the normal product with, offer the intact and feasible reference material that bases appraised originally of Chinese herbal medicine, and the collection of one kind of sources can be offered in the future than correctly and basis studied. Can prevent city from and sell at the Chinese herbal medicine and mix and misapply to the danger caused safely that the people use medicine. The other objectives in this study are: 1. to activity evaluation of Ajugae Herba; 2. to proceed the tissue culture, mass propagation and domestication of the two original species, Ajuga decumbens and A. taiwanensis, and use these mass propagation material for developing study, resource and yield promotion. |