As medical technology advances staggeringly, the operating rooms in hospitals contain more and more various and costly instruments. In the past, the recruits of medical staff had to witness the operation processes or listen to the verbal instructions before they operate these instruments. This training lags behind currently increasingly sophisticated operating room management. This project primarily focuses upon the educational issues for the medical staff who operates the instruments, developing a web-based system to support the teaching and training of the operators. We use Object-Oriented (OO) method to explore the relationship among the surgical packages and instruments and then build an object model for them. The database of this system encompasses more than 30000 records of instruments to make up a CAI system of surgical instruments. For the sake of convenience, the system provides a web interface. The user can interactively get the specification and image of the surgical instruments and can get an exam after learning. The system can record the testers'performance and the test questions are chosen at random to keep the tester's nterest. On the other side, abundant data and searching function of this system facilitate the preparation of operation room. With this system, hospitals are able to assist paramedics and instrument supplying personnel in pre-vocational ducation and on-the-job education to improve the quality of operations.