摘要: | 自發性高溫好氧處理程序(Autothermal thermophilic aerobicwastewater treatment, ATAT)設計上之重點在於: 系統中好氧分解產生的熱量是否足以讓曝氣槽自發性地維持高溫操作;因此,考量曝氣槽之熱平衡分析(Heatbalance analysis)對ATAT 系統之設計而言是必要的。本研究就國內某ATAT 食品油脂廢水實廠進行熱平衡分析, 開發可利用實廠每日監測數據( 操作溫度(Tt)、進流水與出流水COD濃度( Si, COD, Se, COD)、曝氣槽與放流水汙泥濃度(Xt,SS,Xe,SS)估測實廠操作比生物潛熱(Specific biological heat potential, hb)之演算法, 並以該實廠六個月之監測數據進行個案探討,利用敏感度分析研判影響ATAT 高溫自發可行性之主要操作因子。經本研究熱平衡分析研究發現該廠主要熱源為生物反應熱(佔總熱貢獻率之87.1%), 證實該廠為ATAT 操作, 能產生自發性高溫達平均溫度48 ℃。而敏感度分析結果顯示: 增加廢水進流溫度(Tw)與廢水進流濃度(Si,COD)較能有效提升高溫自發之可行性, 增加此二操作條件(Si,COD, Tw)10%,可增加反應溫度(Tt)約3-4%。若降低操作條件10%,則效應程度不變, 正負號相反。本研究建議: 若廠區無廢熱可用, 則以提高進流廢水濃度來增加高溫自發性較為可行。
The design of autothermal thermophilic aerobic wastewater treatment (ATAT) must consider a key issue regarding whether sufficient heat can be produced from biological degradation to maintain spontaneous reaction at thermophilic temperatures. It is therefore important to analyze heat balance for system performance. This study develops a mathematical heat balance model, requiring daily average input data under steady-state conditions, including aeration tank temperature (Tt), influent and effluent COD concentrations (Si, COD, Se, COD), suspended solid concentrations for aeration tank and effluent (Xt, S, Xe, SS) for estimation of specific biological heat potential (hb). The model was employed to analyze a set of 6-month full-scale data. Sensitivity analysis was also performed on major operating parameters affecting system performance. Steady-state simulation demonstrates clear evidence of spontaneous reaction with a biological heat contribution as high as 87.1% at 48 degree C. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the operating temperature can be elevated by 3-4% with an increase of influent temperature and COD concentration by 10%. If no waste heat is available, it is suggested that increasing influent COD concentration is a more effective mean to achieve reaction spontaneity. |