臺灣因為人口密度高,土地過度開發,環保觀念缺乏,偏頗的醫療觀念,以訛傳訛,導致保育類藥用植物瀕臨絕種。除了建立正確醫療觀念,保育類中藥材列管、培植之外,最重要的是以基因體研究方法,加速中藥材基因庫建立,以確保永續使用。並提供最直接的資訊,以開發有效的替代品。基因晶片具有快速診斷(4-12小時)、特定性高、偵測範圍廣大(至少可同時偵測一萬個病原基因)及使用方便等優點,是其他方法望塵莫及的。本計畫結合RAPD-PCR的分析鑑定,及基因晶片的快速與特定性,建立保育類中藥材基因資料庫,並發展保育類中藥材基因鑑定晶片。特定目標為:一、以傳統植化採集標準品及近緣植物。二、以RAPD or AFLP篩選特有基因。三、建立保育類中藥材基因庫,確保種源。四、以自動定序儀,針對指標基因,快速定序。五、以生物資訊學方法作序列比。六、設計primers。七、鑑定晶片試製及測試。八、建立分子生物分析的SOP。九、完成天麻及石斛之外其餘新列入保育之野生植物RAPD晶片,為中藥材防偽及國人用藥,提供一個快速而客觀的偵測工具。
Many kinds of endangered plants whose Scientific Name and Vernacular Name were different, but they were used in the same therapeutics. In order to resolute the serious situation, we must to identificate the origin of plants, constituents and therapeutics. However, it was hard to research in the tranditional investigateion because its need a lot of time, people and expert.We will apply origin chip of identication and therapeutic chip to resolute this problem. Pharmacogrosfical chip is a new concept in the genome century; it??s convenient to be diagnotic. Therapeutic chip based on human cDNA microarray that applied on the animal models, it can detect all genes between three and five days, it can be quanilitive. Pharmacological mechanism will be understood in therapeutic chip. This proposal plans to create technique processing the abovementioned difficulties in no time with a standard readout.