摘要: | 氣喘是一種慢性發炎型疾病,T-淋巴球在產生、調控及氣喘呼吸道慢性發炎上扮演重要角色,CD4+輔助性T細胞依其分泌之細胞激素分為Th1細胞與Th2細胞,Th1、Th2細胞分泌之細胞激素表現互相調節作用,Th1/Th2平衡影響疾病的進行。氣喘患者其Th2細胞呈增加的趨勢,Th2細胞在調節氣喘慢性發炎反應及維持呼吸道過度反應性、控制特異性IgE形成上扮演關鍵角色。IL-2能抑制B細胞產生IgE,IL-4能促進Th2細胞分化、刺激肥大細胞生長發育及誘導IgE產生,IL- 10可抑制Th1細胞產生IFN-γ、IL-2及抑制Th2細胞產生細胞激素。我們研究發現中藥方劑能降低氣喘動物呼吸道阻力,減少呼吸發炎細胞浸潤,降低呼吸道過度反應性,並能調節肺淋巴細胞Th1/Th2平衡,在此基礎下,本研究擬探討台灣珍貴草藥-牛樟菇之免疫調節功能,台灣民間草藥是台灣醫藥科技之寶貴資源,牛樟菇又名樟芝(學名為Antrodia cinnamomea CHANG & CHOU),屬於無摺菌目多孔菌科多年生蕈菌類,牛樟菇著生老牛樟樹幹函洞內壁,鮮為人可採獲,是台灣珍貴的藥材,本蕈菌屬於擔子菌。利用本研究室建立之氣喘動物模型,用以肺泡沖洗液分析及流式細胞儀區分肺周邊淋巴組織之Th1/Th2亞群、以定量反轉錄鏈聚合?反應與北方轉漬墨點分析,來了解牛樟菇對氣喘動物模型呼吸道發炎細胞浸潤及肺周邊淋巴組織Th1/Th2淋巴球平衡與IL-4、IL-5、IL-10、IL-12等細胞激素之影響,評估其對氣喘之治療效果與免疫調控作用。
Asthma is a major public health problem worldwide, and asthma morbidity and mortality have increased over the last two decades. Although the reason for this increased incidence is unknown, there is a clear association between atopy and asthma. Antigen-induced IgE production, airway inflammation, and airway hyperresponsiveness have been well documented in patients with allergic asthma and in animal models. Increasing evidence suggests that the Th2-type cytokines IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, produced by activated CD4+ T cell, play a central role in the pathogenesis of allergic asthma.With the increased understanding of the pathogenesis of asthma, anti-inflammatory therapies have become important therapeutic strategies for asthma treatment. The representative cytokines of Th2 cells are IL-4 and IL-5. IL-4 is the major inducer of class switching to IgE biosynthesis in B lymphocyte; IL-5 is the principal eosinophil-activating factor. IFN-?HHH?HHH, which is a representative cytokine of Th1 cells, is known to suppress the development of Th2 cells. Since evidence suggested that the Th1 and Th2 types of reactions are reciprocally regulated in vivo, the modulation of Th1/th2 balance, namely shifting the balance from Th2 to Th1 dominance, should be a rational strategy for the therapy of allergic asthma. There have not yet been any active synthetic compounds that can modulated Th1/Th2 balance clinically available. If there were such drugs, they would play an important role in the treatment of allergic asthma.Our previously study showed that San-Qi-Wan can can decrease the bronchial hyperresponsiveness and down regulated the Th2 cell population in lung draining lymph node of Der p sensitized mice. In this research, we will evaluate the effect of Antrodia camphorata on Th1/Th2 balance and the concentration of IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, Il-12, Il-13 and IFN-?HHH?HHH in BALF, spleen draining lymph node of Der p sensitized mice, and to evaluate the possible mechanisms of Antrodia camphorata on immune response. |