摘要: | 本研究採取Gee 的社會認知閱讀的角度,試圖瞭解台灣成年專業人之專業英語閱讀素養發展歷程。具體而言,本研究試圖探討以下三個問題:(一) 成人英語學習者如何看待其專業英語閱讀之學習及使用經驗?(二) 上述學習者之專業英語閱讀與其語言學習及工作經驗是否相關?如若相關,關聯為何?(三) 專業英語閱讀在上述學習者之的生活是否佔有一席之地?若有,其角色為何?,本研究將召募六名研究對象,男女各半。研究對象必須符合以下條件:(一)生理年齡達成年期,易言之,至少三十五歲;(二)在台灣完成小學及中學教育;(三)從事專業工作年資至少五年;(四)因專業需求使然而從事專業英文閱讀;(五)從事專業英文閱讀年資至少十年。主要的資料收集工具為生命史訪談大綱,改編自McAdams (1993)及Lu (2004),共有六個單元:(一)自我描述,(二)英文學習的歷程,(三)英文閱讀發展的歷程,(四)專業人的寫照,(五)專業英文讀者發展的歷程,(六)故事的主軸。每位研究對象至少訪談四次,訪談語言為中文,原則上每月一次,每次約兩小時。研究者將於每次訪談之後撰寫研究日誌,以記載對訪談對象及該次訪談的觀察、反應、及省思。訪談內容將轉譯為逐字稿,資料收集完畢之後,將施以微觀分析,如比較、對比、時間連結分析、空間連結分析、或因果關係分析。即便如此,研究者將始終以宏觀角度對待資料分析過程,並對研究對象的敘述作整體考量。編碼分析之後,藉由反覆迂迴探詢,研究者希望找到資料中自然浮現出來的主題,將之匯整為類別後,期盼有效回應三個研究問題,進而呈現專業人英語閱讀素養具體而微的發展歷程。
In adopting Gee’s (2001, 2002) sociocognitve perspective of reading, this study aims to understand how adult EFL (English as a foreign language) learners in Taiwan strive for their ESP (English for specific purposes, ESP) reading literacy across their lifetime. More specifically, the study aims to explore three research questions: (1) How do the adult EFL learners perceive their experiences in learning and using ESP reading? (2) How is the learners’ESP reading situated in their language learning and working experiences? (3)What role, if there is any, does the ESP reading play in the learners’lives? The study will involve 6 participants. Three males and three females are to be recruited by purposive sampling. The participant selection criteria include: (1) one who is in or beyond his/her adulthood (i.e. 35-year-old or older), (2) one who receives primary and secondary education in Taiwan, (3) one who has been in his/her profession for at least five years, (4) one who is engaged in ESP reading in response to the need of his/her profession, (5) one who has been engaged in ESP reading for at least ten years. An interview protocol adapted from McAdams’s (1993) and Lu’s (2004) narrative inquiry interviews serves as the main data collection tool for the study. The protocol includes six core parts: (1) Self description, (2) English learning for general purposes, (3) English reading for general purposes, (4) Being a professional, (5) Reading English for specific purposes, and (6) Themes of life stories. Four monthly Mandarin-based life history interviews are to be conducted with each participant. Each interview lasts about two hours in length. After each interview, a researcher journal entry is to be written to keep track of the researcher’s observations, reactions, and reflections in terms of the interview and the interviewee. A written verbatim account of the narrative interview is to be produced for data analysis. The data will first go through repeated and cyclical bottom-up analysis such as comparison, contrasting, time-linking, place-linking, and causal analysis (Pals, 2006) if there is any causal linking. In spite of the micro-analysis, the overall process of data analysis is driven by a holistic view of the narrative. After the analysis, the complexity of the participants’stories is expected to be arranged into themes under categories to connect to the three research questions in the hope of presenting a clear picture of adult EFL learners’ESP reading literacy development. |