摘要: | 本研究主要目的為探討青少年各種暴力行為的情形,及影響青少年暴力行為的因素。研究對象的母體是台中縣市國小五、六年級及國中高中(職)生,以分層集束的抽樣方法,班級為最小單位抽出6600位研究樣本,最後以6245位11-18歲者為本研究的分析樣本。為橫斷面的研究設計(Cross-Sectional Study Design),以結構式問卷對樣本進行回溯性的資料蒐集,所蒐集的資料除了暴力行為以外尚包括社會人口學特質、家庭與社會動力因素,個人心理因素、行為表現與創傷經驗等層面的相關因素之資料。 本研究的結果如下:1).青少年過去一年內發生任一項暴力行為的比率為45.5%。而以下五種暴力類型:單純語暴、單純肢暴、語暴合併肢暴、合併性暴/性騷擾及單純性暴/性騷擾的比率分別為8.9%、13.5%、17.5%、3.9%及1.7%。2).影響青少年暴力行為的顯著因素如下:年齡(以11-12歲為參考組,13-15歲的OR= 1.39)、家庭社經地位(以低階為參考組,中低階、中階與高階的OR值分別為 1.44, 1.48及1.33),往來朋友不良行為(OR= 1.02)、衝動性格(OR= 1.02)、吸菸(OR= 1.42)、喝酒(OR= 1.59)、嚼檳榔(OR= 1.44,)、自殺行為(OR= 2.02)、親身經歷肢體創傷(OR=2.54)、本身的事故經驗(OR= 1.69)、目睹他人遭遇肢體傷害(OR= 2.25)、目睹他人遭遇性暴力/性騷擾(OR= 1.71)與目睹他人事故發生的經驗(OR=1.64)及具有非暴力的偏差行為(女性有此行為者的OR = 2.18,男性有此行為者的OR=2.11)等15項因素。 本研究的結果與國內外許多的研究相似,在各項與暴力行為相關的因素中顯示偏差行為、自殺行為、事故發生及創傷經驗中的親身或目睹他人的肢體傷害或目睹他人遭性暴力/性騷擾等經驗最具影響力。因此對於有關防治青少年暴力行為的工作,有關單位應針對合併發生的行為問題及其背後可能的家庭、社會及個人成因發展防治策略。; The purposes of this cross-sectional study were to investigate the one-year prevalence rates of violent behaviors and to examine the risk factors for violent behaviors among adolescents. The target population was school youngsters aged 11 to 18 years in Taichung city and county areas. We used stratified cluster sampling method and obtained an analytical sample of 6,245. By conducting a survey with self-reported questionnaires, we collected information on the behavior outcome and its correlates including socio-demographic factors, family and social dynamic factors such as family with violence, family and teacher caring, and peer deviance, individual psychological factors such as self-esteem and impulsivity, health risk and deviant without violent behaviors, and victimization. The results were as follows: 1) Overall, 45.5% of the students involved at least one violent behavior in the past 12 month; 2) with regard to the types of violent behaviors, the rates of verbal violence only, physical violence only, physical and verbal violence without sexual violence/harassment, physical and verbal violence with sexual violence/harassment, and sexual violence/harassment only were 8.9%, 13.5%, 17.5%, 3.9% and 1.7%, respectively; 3) the significant risk factors for having violent behaviors included age group of 13-15 years(OR=1.39), family social economic status(OR=1.44 for the medium-low level, OR=1.48 for the medium level, OR=1.33 for the high level), family with violence(OR=1.42), impulsivity(OR=1.02), peer deviance (OR=1.02), being direct victims of trauma(OR=2.54 for physical violence, OR=1.69 for accidental events, OR=2.02 for suicidal behavior), witnessing others experiencing trauma (OR=1.71 for sexual violence/harassment, OR=1.64 for accidental events ), smoking(OR=1.42), drinking(OR=1.59), chewing betel nut(OR=1.44) and deviant without violent behaviors (OR=2.11 for boys, OR=2.18 for girls). In conclusions, the existence of the strong relative importance of being direct and indirect victims of physical violence, having deviant behaviors and suicidal behaviors suggested that the planning and implementation of the prevention and/ or intervention programs of youth violence should take these co-occurrent behavior problems into accounts. |