摘要: | 烏頭與附子使用歷史悠久,早在神農本草經即有記載並列為下品,主要來源為毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)植物的乾燥塊根。現代藥理與化學研究顯示,烏頭、附子類藥材的毒性成分與藥理活性成分均與二萜類生物鹼有關,譬如:aconitine,必須經過炮製才能降低毒性,以利人體服用。 本研究藉由HPLC來分析烏頭類藥材的炮製前後成分含量差異,進而了解烏頭類生藥在醫療上的功效,以提高中藥的醫療品質與利用價值,發現炮製前後aconitine含量相差93%以上,顯示出炮製的重要性,而參照中華人民共和國藥典2005年版第一部所自行炮製的藥材,其aconitine含量經HPLC檢測與市面上炮製品並無太大差異,並且對照TLC-scanner,HPLC與LC MS/MS三者之間分析生草烏的結果相似。而在DPPH自由基清除能力之試驗中,經由不同炮製品的甲醇粗抽物,來比較不同炮製方法對抗氧化活性的影響,發現在臨床上使用製草烏可以有較好的清除自由基能力與較少的毒副作用。 最後參考台灣傳統藥典進行灰分、酸不溶性灰分與白附子二氧化硫殘留量等實驗,建議黑附子乾燥減重百分率必須小於16.30%、總灰分小於12.61%、酸不溶性灰分小於1.94%、水抽提部份必須大於9.00%、稀醇抽提大於9.06%;草烏部份則規範乾燥減重百分率必須小於14.51%、總灰分小於5.59%、酸不溶性灰分小於1.44%、水抽提部份必須大於6.84%、稀醇抽提大於5.13%,而白附子二氧化硫殘留量0.0137 g/Kg,低於500 ppm(0.5 g/Kg),符合規範。; The Wutou and Fuzi have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for a long time. They are all drying roots of the Ranunculaceae family. According to the pharmaceutical and chemical studies, the crude drugs of the Aconitum origin comprise a kind of highly toxic diester-diterpene Aconitum alkaloid, namely aconitine, and it also has marked pharmacological effects. After processing, the toxicity might be decrease and the aconite roots could be used safely for the patients. In the present studies, We investigated the crude drugs of Aconitum origin by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), TLC-scanner and LC MS/MS methods to quantify determine of the content of aconitine. We found that aconitine can be reduced by as much as 93% before and after processing. That means processing is very important in Traditional Chinese medicine, especially aconite roots. According to the PRC Pharmacopeia ( 2005 edition), we processed those unprocessed Chaowu and compared the content of aconitine with other crude drugs which were bought at the Chinese traditional medicine stores. The content of aconitine was not different by HPLC. We also compare the content of aconitine of the HPLC with the LC/MS/MS and TLC-scanner, and there is little difference too. And on the DPPH scavering test, we found that it exhibited good free radical scavenging effects in the assay for DPPH scavenging effect, especially processed Chaowu. It had good scavenging effect with less toxicity. According to the Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopeia, We run five tests, including loss on drying, total ash, acid-insoluable ash, diluted ethanol-soluable extractive and water-soluable extractive of those crude drugs of Aconitum origin and investigated the sulfur residue of the white Fuzi. The black Fuzi were recommended that the loss on drying content must be less than 16.30%, total ash content <12.61%, acid-insoluable ash content <1.94%, diluted ethanol-soluable extract content >9.06% and the water-soluable extract content >9.00%; The Chaowu were recommended that the loss on drying content < 14.51%, total ash content <5.59%, acid-insoluable ash content <1.44%, diluted ethanol-soluable extract content >5.13% and the water-soluable extract content must be more than 6.84% . The sulfur residue of the white Fuzi is 0.0137g/kg, and it is less than 500ppm(0.5 g/kg), that means the white Fuzi is safe for clinical used. |