台灣產藥用植物細本山葡萄(Vitis thunbergii SIEB. et ZUCC.) ,為葡萄科葡萄屬之植物。其根莖具有清熱、利尿、袪濕、解毒、消腫止血、生肌之效。可治風濕關節痛、風濕痹痛、腳氣腫、肝炎黃疸、痢疾、淋病、小便不利、瘰痢、腫毒、跌打損傷等,為常用之台灣民間藥。 細本山葡萄之乾燥莖在DPPH自由基清除能力之試驗中,以正丁醇層具有較佳的抗氧化活性。 在成分研究方面,由細本山葡萄莖部經分離純化及結構鑑定後,分離出之成分有lupeol (H-1)、betulinic acid (H-2)、mixture of stigmasterol and β-sitosterol (H-3)、betulin (H-4)、friedelin (H-5)、triacontanoic acid (C-1)、β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside (E-1)、rutin (B-1)等成分。 本研究針對細本山葡萄之乾燥莖進行成分分離及抗氧化活性試驗,希冀對於台灣民間藥用植物及中草藥之開發有所助益。; Vitis thunbergii SIEB. et ZUCC. is a native plant of Taiwan belonging to the Vitaceae family. It is a folk medicine being used for arthralgia, arthritis, icterus hepatitis, dysentery, gonorrhea, dysuria, inflammation of soft tissues and traumatic injury. In the assay for DPPH scavenging effect, the fraction of n-butanol layer showed good free radical scavenging effects. In the phytochemical study, eight compounds were isolated from the stems of Vitis thunbergii and were identified as lupeol (H-1), betulinic acid (H-2), mixture of stigmasterol and β-sitosterol (H-3), betulin (H-4), friedelin (H-5), triacontanoic acid (C-1), β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside (E-1) and rutin (B-1). Since this plant is rather common in Taiwan, further study and investigation of it’s active constituents may prove it’s potential biological activities and medicinal values.