本研究是以全民心肺復甦術(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation﹝CPR﹞)學習方案為介入措施之類實驗性研究,以探討社區民眾對全民CPR之學習成效及相關因素。研究對象為台中縣市與彰化縣的民眾,共收案325人,分為實驗A、B組及對照組。實驗A組與B組均給予全民CPR四小時的課程,但實驗A組使用傳統教學法,實驗B組使用情境教學法,而對照組則發給學習手冊自行閱讀學習。研究工具為研究者參考文獻後自擬CPR學習問卷及技術查核表並測試其信度和效度。 研究結果顯示實驗組學習成效高於對照組。1.全民CPR學習方案有效提昇知識得分達88分和技術操作正確度為82%。2.性別、年齡、學歷、職業等因素會影響學習成效,也可以預測學習成效(R2 = 49.7%)。3.救人意願高,救家人96.6% > 救朋友92% > 救路人69.5%。4.施救障礙以擔心技術不熟會做錯、法律糾紛、感染問題為多。5.整體課程滿意度高、看法正向,50.7%民眾認為學習機會不多,也應僅早在國中小學階段學習。建議社區護理人員應結合醫療單位和民間機構多多舉辦CPR課程和急救活動以挽救生命和減少事故傷害死亡。 關鍵字:全民CPR課程、學習成效。; A quasi-experimental research design was applied to explore outcomes related to a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training program. The 325 participants were from the middle Taiwan community. They were assigned to three groups: experimental A, B and a control group. The experimental A and B group were received the 4-hour Public CPR Program, but group A was taken by traditional method and group B was taken by situation teaching method. The control group was self-learning by a CPR manual. The instruments were developed by the researchers based on literatures review. The reliability and validity were taken. The results were showed that the experimental groups have batter scores than control group. The participants in the experimental groups had 88 points in CPR knowledge and 82% correct techniques score. In the regression model the CPR program was a predictor of CPR learning outcomes (R2 = 49.7%). The participants were satisfied with the CPR program, willing to rescue the families, friends, people ,but still worry to their poor technique, the legal problems and infections. The 50.7% of the participants suggested that it should provide more opportunities to learn CPR in communities. They suggested that CPR training programs should begin as early as possible in primary school and junior high school. We suggest the community nurses should cooperate with community association group to take more CPR training programs and first-aid activities for saving life and reducing the accident mortality. Keyword:the public CPR training program, learning outcomes