背景:近年來,健康結果愈來愈受到醫學界的重視,不再只是要求疾病痊癒或延長生命,而是進一步希望得到高品質的生活。本研究目的在瞭解肺癌患者治療後生活品質現況及病患人口學屬性、疾病特性與生活品質的關係,並分析影響肺癌患者生活品質的重要因素。 方法:本研究對象來自於彰化某醫學中心門診採立意取樣進行,共有104位研究對象完成人口學屬性、疾病特性與及第一次生活品質測量,其中41位完成第二次測量,生活品質的測量採用WHOQOL-BREF、EORTC QLQ C-30、EORTC QLQ LC-13 台灣版問卷,所得資料以平均值、標準差、百分比、t檢定及複迴歸進行統計分析。 結果:在症狀的表現上,肺癌病患最常出現的症狀為「疲倦」、「疼痛」、「失眠」、「財務困難」及「呼吸困難」。與健康族群比較,肺癌患者在生理、心理範疇得分顯著較差,尤其是生理範疇。多變項分析發現生活品質的影響因素會因不同範疇而不同。以第二次訪視病患回應來看,生活品質的測量能夠有效預測肺癌患者治療後的存活情形。 結論:透過生活品質測量的實證數據,可提供臨床醫護人員照護之參考,進而提昇肺癌患者之生活品質。; Background: Recently quality of life is becoming important health issues. The health outcome is not only to treat the disease or lengthen the life, but also to improve the patients’ quality of life. The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of life and to identify the demographic or medical factors related to quality of life for lung cancer patients after surgery or chemotherapy. Methods: The purposive sampling is used in an outpatient department of a medical center in Changhua. There were 104 samples in our study, among then 41 samples completed the follow-up QOL measurements . Structured questionnaires used in this study included a demographic data sheet, medical related data and quality of life data. The Taiwan versions questionnaires: WHOQOL-BREF, EORTC QLQ C-30, EORTC QLQ LC-13 were used to measure the quality of life. Data were analyzed by arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage, t-test and multiple regression analysis. Results: The most frequent symptoms for the lung cancer patients were fatigue, pain, financial difficulties and dyspnea. Compared with health population, lung cancer patients had significantly lower scores in physical and psychological domains, especially in physiological domain. The multiple regression analysis found the influential factors were various among different QOL measures. From the response status of the follow-up study, we found that QOL levels could also be used as a survival predictor. Conclusions: The study can help guide healthcare providers in rehabilitation services offered to people who have had lung cancer and furthermore, improve their quality of life.