本研究主要測量辦公大樓室內空氣中各種微粒濃度及其影響之相關因素。利用某大樓辦公室當作測試地點,以直讀式微粒分析儀器(PC-2 Quartz Crystal Microbalance, QCM)在不同時間連續監測15天,分早上、下午及晚上三段時間,以每十分鐘輸出十階粒徑之濃度,每段時間連續監測一小時。同時紀錄該辦公室相關因素包括抽氣櫃及門之開或關、室內人數、當天氣候、是否有沙塵暴、溫、溼度等狀況。並另外針對有無沙塵暴季節連續監測24小時觀察室內外空氣中PM10、PM2.5微粒粒徑濃度變化情形。 結果中顯示室內微粒多以PM2.5以下所佔比例最多。在研究期間,利用多項式線性或自我迴歸模式得知影響室內空氣微粒濃度之因素包括抽氣櫃是否有開,沙塵暴,溫度、溼度及不同研究時間。另外,在沙塵暴當日,室內空氣微粒濃度突然有增加現象,主要是因本樓空調系統引入外氣有關。利用負離子空氣清淨機去除二手菸微粒之效率約為30%,而對氣態之尼古丁(nicotine)與3-ethylpyridine (3-EP)之去除效率平均為15.8%與22.2%。因此,本研究結論顯示室內與戶外在各種微粒濃度變化有密切之關聯性,尤其當沙塵暴時期更加顯著,而利用負離子空氣清淨機可降低微粒與氣態尼古丁與3-EP濃度。 關鍵字:微粒粒徑、尼古丁、沙塵暴、直讀式粉塵微粒分析儀器; The objective of this study is to investigate the concentrations of particulate in different particle sizes (PM2.5、PM10 、PM25) and assess the affecting factors. Particle measurement in a office of high-building was assessed by direct-reading instrument (PC-2 Quartz Crystal Microbalance, QCM) during three study periods, which is consecutively provide the particle size and concentration each one time per ten minutes. Information of office including open type, hood system, number of person, room temperature and humility, sand storm were recorded during study period. Results indicated the particle size of PM2. 5 dominated in indoor air. Using multiple linear regression and autogression models, significant factors of particle concentrations in three types of particle size had room temperature and humidity, hood opened and the presence of sand storm. The high peak of particle concentration was apparent during the sand storm because of the ventilation system in this high building can move across from outdoor air. Using the ion-production instrument was evaluated and calculated the remove efficiencies with approximately 30% for particle sizes, and with 15.782% and 22.22% for nicotine and 3-ethylpyridine , respectively. We conclude that particle concentrations in different particle sizes show a significant association between indoor air and outdoor air, especially during the presence of sand storm. Both types of the particle and/or gaseous was efficiently dropped away indoor air using ion-production instrument. Keywords: particle size 、nicotine、sand storm、direct-reading instrument