摘要: | 白鳳菜Gynura divaricata (L.) DC. subsp. formosana (Kitamura) F. G. Davies為菊科(Compositae)植物,最早出現於植物名實圖考上冊卷九山草類,俗名為「土三七」,又名白?菜、臺灣土三七、長柄橙黃菊,為臺灣固有植物。全草有清熱利尿,活血化瘀,涼血止血,舒筋活絡,解毒消腫之效。治感冒發熱,中暑腦炎,目赤腫痛,氣管炎,咳嗽,急性肝炎,慢性肝炎,肝硬化,肺癰,腎臟炎,腎盂炎,腸炎腹痛,高血壓,糖尿病,流鼻血,風濕骨痛。外用治創傷出血,跌打損傷,毒蟲蟄傷。 白鳳菜在臺灣民間用於急性肝炎、慢性肝炎、肝硬化及解毒消腫等,故本研究根據文獻記載及民間用法,進行鎮痛試驗、抗炎試驗、急性藥物誘發肝損傷之預防效果試驗、四氯化碳誘發慢性肝損傷之護肝功能評估。 結果顯示,白鳳菜對於醋酸誘發小鼠扭體反應皆有劑量依存性之抑制作用;在福馬林舔足鎮痛試驗方面,白鳳菜對於福馬林誘發舔足的前期及後期反應時間,均呈現劑量依存性的抑制作用。在抗炎方面,白鳳菜對?-carrageenan誘發大鼠足蹠浮腫有抑制作用。在急性藥物誘發肝損傷方面,白鳳菜對CCl4, APAP及D-GalN所導致GOT及GPT值急速上升皆有抑制作用,由病理切片圖亦可看出對藥物誘發之肝損傷亦有修復改善作用;但對於ANIT所誘發之肝損傷,白鳳菜則無明顯治療作用;在四氯化碳誘發慢性肝損傷之護肝功能方面,白鳳菜則有明顯之改善效果,在第八週時GOT, GPT, cholesterol, total protein及albumin等生化值皆與毒藥組有明顯差異,此結果亦與肝臟組織之病理切片結果吻合。 綜合本研究結果,白鳳菜在鎮痛、抗炎、急性藥物誘發肝損傷之預防作用及四氯化碳誘發慢性肝損傷之保肝功能方面皆具有一定之效果,應可開發作為藥物或保健食品使用。; Gunura divaricata (L.) DC. subsp. formosana (Kitam.) F. G. Davies (GD) is an indigenous plant of Compositae family in Taiwan. It was first reported in Chi-Wu-Ming-Shih-Tu-Kao of Ching Dynasty and was also called Tu-Sanf-Chi, Bai-Huang-Tsai or Taiwan-Tu-San-Chi. It was claimed to have antifebrile, diuretic, blood activating and stasis eliminating effects. It can also cool the blood and stop bleeding, relax tendons and activate channels. It also had detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects. It is often used for common cold, fever, pneumonia, red eyes, bronchitis, coughing, acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, lung abscess, nephritis enteritis, hypertension, diabetes, nose bleeding and rheumatism. It can also be used externally for wounds, bleeding, contusion and insect bites. GD was often used in Taiwanese folk medicine for the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Therefore we evaluated its antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, acute drug induced liver damage protecting and carbon tetrachloride induced chronic liver damage protecting effects. The results showed the methanolic extract of GD inhibited the acetic acid induced writhing response in mice and decreased the licking time on both the early and late phases of formalin test in a dose dependent manner. GD extract also reduced the paw edema induced by ?-carrageenan in rats In addition, GD inhibited the activities of sGOT and sGPT in acute liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride, APAP, D-galactosamine and the histologic aspects of liver section taken from rats showed their improvement of liver damage. However, in ANIT induced liver damage, GD showed no protecting effects. In the carbon tetrachloride induced chronic liver damage, GD showed significant therapeutic effects. At eight week period, GOT, GPT, cholesterol, total protein and albumin values differed significantly from poison control group. The histologic aspects of liver section also correlated with this results. In summary, GD showed significant antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, drug induced acute liver damage protecting and carbon tetrachloride induced chronic liver damage protecting effects. It is of great potential for further development as drug or health food in the future. |