中文摘要 魚藤為台灣著名的農業用藥,其根、莖含有魚藤酮,是有效的殺蟲劑,而許多原住民則將魚藤根部搗爛後所流出的汁液,放到溪水中,可使魚類暫時行動遲緩而易於捕捉。近年來研究發現對神經細胞瘤有抑制作用。 本研究先進行藥用植物學、生藥學、成分和藥理學文獻整理。經調查採集,台灣產魚藤類藥材來源有魚藤屬( Derris LOUREIRO ) 植物和老荊藤屬 ( Millettia BENTHAM )植物,分別是: 1.毛魚藤 ( Derris elliptica BENTHAM ) 2. 疏花魚藤 ( Derris laxiflora BENTHAM ) 3. 蘭嶼魚藤 ( Derris oblonga BENTHAM ) 4. 三葉魚藤 ( Derris trifoliata LOUREIRO ) 5. 光葉魚藤 ( Millettia nitida BENTHAM ) 6. 台灣魚藤 ( Millettia pachycarpa BENTHAM ) 本研究闡明原植物之植物分類,記錄藥用部位的外部形態;並依生藥組織學鑑別內部組織構造的異同,以建立生藥組織圖譜供予參考。另外利用其指標成分魚藤酮以HPLC作定性定量分析,於化學成分上輔助的鑑定;本類藥材經定量分析結果顯示以毛魚藤 ( D. elliptica BENTH. ) 含量最高,三葉魚藤 ( D. trifoliata LOUR. ) 次之,蘭嶼魚藤 ( D. oblonga BENTH. ) 又次之,台灣魚藤 ( M. pachycarpa BENTH. ) 含量最少。而疏花魚藤 ( D. laxiflora BENTH. )、光葉魚藤 ( M. nitida BENTH. ) 沒有魚藤酮之成分。期望透過本研究之探討,俾有助於本土中草藥在抗癌作用上汰選植物來源鑑定之依據與開發。; Abstract Derris Rhizoma had long been used as folk medicine. It’s active constituent rotenone is an insecticide. It may be into pound into pulp and the juice liquid of the run off, put to the creek, which inducing fish temporarily poisoned and them easily be caught. It is reported that the active ingredient of Derris Rhizoma many induce apoptiosis in human neuroblastoma in recent years. This author started to survey literature and review Chinese pharmacyopeia,pharmaceutical botany,pharmacognostical studies and pharmacyological literatures. The botanical origin of Derris Rhizoma was derived from Derris and Millettia genera in Taiwan . They are as follows: 1. Derris elliptica BENTHAM 2. Derris laxiflora BENTHAM 3. Derris oblonga BENTHAM 4. Derris trifoliata LOUREIRO 5. Millettia nitida BENTHAM 6. Millettia pachycarpa BENTHAM According to the principles of the pharmaceutical botany and pharmacognostical histology, we demonstrated and illustrated the morphological and histologyical characteristics for microscopic identification of Derris Rhizoma in Taiwan .