僅管已經有很多的研究關於下背痛的危險因子,病理生理學,癒後指標和治療方法,但是下背痛依然很盛行,且對它產生的問題認知不足。下背痛是造成45歲以下的病人功能不良最常見的原因,第二是對45到60歲病人造成關節炎。整脊治療已被清楚的定義,並且對脊椎問題有戲劇化的效果。目前根據組織(關節、椎間盤、小面關節、肌肉或筋膜等)有很多系統化的整脊手法。儘管對整脊手法對脊椎有很好的效果但是並沒有足夠的證據來支持這樣的結果。在這個研究中我們提出了幾個測量脊椎整脊結果的方法。這些方法包括量測下背痛日常生活量表、疼痛自覺量表、關節活動度、肌肉電位活動度。; Despite a wealth of research concerning risk factors, patho-physiology, prognostic indicators, and treatment methods, low back pain continues to be an epidemic , yet poorly understood, problem. Low back pain is the most common cause of disability in patients younger than 45 years old and second only to arthritis in patients 45 to 60 years of age. Manipulative therapy is a well defined method , and may have dramatic effect for treatment of spinal problems. There are many systems of manipulative therapy, according to the tissue ( joint, disc, facet, muscle or fascia…..etc ) that was engaged. Despite the good effect of the manipulative therapy for spinal problems, there were no enough evidence for support this outcome. In this study, we propose some strategies of outcome measure for spinal manipulation. These strategies included Oswestry questionnaire for low back pain , visul analog scales , muscle activity (Myo III PS surface EMG) ,range of motion ( Flock of Bird motion tracking).