細菌感染會引起敗血症 ( sepsis ),而引起敗血症的潛在原因可能是無法控制的發炎反應 ( uncontrolled inflammatory response )。TLRs 可以藉著 innate immune system 而辨識病原體而引發免疫反應。為了進一步了解 TLR4 和 sepsis 之間的關係,我們嘗試利用 Klebsiella Pneumoniae 腹腔注射引起老鼠敗血症來研究各器官 TLR4 in vivo 的表現。除此之外我們餵食老鼠中藥並觀察敗血病有否對TLR4的表現會產生改變。我們觀察老鼠胃、小腸、大腸、肝臟及肺臟 TLR4 的免疫染色 ( immunohistochemistry ),評估敗血症中老鼠 TLR4 的分佈與表現以及中藥的影響。結果發現敗血病老鼠在胃、小腸、大腸漿膜下方會聚集許多發炎細胞,並且表現TLR4陽性反應。; Sepsis is induced by bacterial infection. The underlying reason of sepsis many resulted from uncontrolled inflammatory response. Host immune responses can be recruited by pathogens detected through TLRs. The study trys to reveal the relationship between TLRs and sepsis. Materials and methods: Peritoneal injection of Klebsiella Pneumoniae into mouse. Feed the mouse with herb drug. Immunohistochemistry for the specimen from stomach, intestine, ileum, liver, and lung of mouse, and evaluate the distribution of TLR4-positive portions. Results: The septic mouse recruits many inflammatory cells and reveals TLR4 positive, dominate present on subserosal area. No obvious changes can be showed on both herb groups.