本研究使用17種中草藥進行體外評估,篩選出具美容潛力之中草藥。結果顯示紅景天及欖仁葉,具有較強的擬超氧歧化酶活性及總抗氧化力。以高效液相層析法,針對紅景天建立指紋圖譜及確效方法,提供鑑別中草藥品質及真偽。使用紅景天及欖仁葉,依照OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 指引,用5%萃液對兔子皮膚及眼睛做刺激性試驗評估。結果顯示此兩種中草藥無皮膚及眼睛刺激性。在經過乳霜配方的選定及紅景天與欖仁葉進行品管後,決定以紅景天和欖仁葉加入乳霜基劑,製成中草藥乳霜。於25及30℃環境下,進行90天安定性試驗,發現物理性質及指標紅景天苷之安定性良好。本研究之產品-紅景天及欖仁葉乳霜,對於未來應用於美白、抗老化及抗皺等美容功效,深具相當大潛力之化妝品。; Seventeen Chinese herbs had been evaluated in vitro in this study. The extracts of Rhodiola crenulata (Hk. f. et Thoms.) H. Ohba. and Terminalia catappa L. showed higher activities of SOD-like and total antioxidant. The analytical method of HPLC chromatographic fingerprint of Rhodiola crenulata H. Ohba. was established and validated. It could be used as the quality control method in the development of these Chinese herbs. Rhodiola crenulata H. Ohba. and Terminalia catappa L. 5% aqueous extract fluid showed no toxicity and no skin and eye irritation response. The evaluation protocols followed OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemical. This study focused on Rhodiola crenulata H. Ohba. and Terminalia catappa L. which prepared theirs cream dosage form. The stability studies of the cream were performed under 25 and 35℃ for 90 days. The physico- chemical stability of the cream and salidroside were both satisfied. This study showed that Rhodiola crenulata H. Ohba. and Terminalia catappa L. cream had the potential to be used as the whitening, antiwrinkle, and anti- aging agent in cosmetics.