摘要: | 本研究之主要目的為探討20~39歲已婚婦女生育態度及行為。影響之依變項包括理想子女數、實際子女數及理想實現情形等,解釋變項包括婦女年齡、結婚年齡、已婚年數、教育程度、婦女工作情形、繼續生男孩意願、手足重要性、子女價值及婚姻幸福感等。樣本取自行政院衛生署家庭計畫研究所(國民健康局前身)於民國87年4月至7月辦理之「台灣地區第八次家庭與生育力調查」(簡稱KAP)之資料,為避免年齡範圍不同影響生育態度,本研究選擇以20~39歲之已婚婦女(1396位)之資料進行分析與比較。 結果顯示,20-39歲已婚婦女因考量「繼續生到男孩的意願」、「孩子有手足作伴重要性」、「外在子女價值」而會增加理想子女數,隨著教育程度越高、婦女投入就業市場、自覺婚姻很幸福,對實際子女數有顯著負面的影響,而隨著有繼續生到男孩的意願、認為手足作伴及外在子女價值越重要者,對實際子女數則有顯著正面的影響,針對生育理想實現情形,教育程度越高、婦女投入就業市場、自覺婚姻很幸福者,生育理想較難實現。台灣人口政策目標期望將總生育率由目前之1.8提升到2.1的替代水準,然而促使生育率回升,以現階段社會發展來看,為鼓勵生育,從瞭解現階段的生育狀況並探討不同的生育態度及族群特色對生育行為的影響,將有助於找出問題,有助於施政者研訂政策之參考。; The purpose of this study was to probe the fertility attitudes and fertility behavior of the married women aged 20-39 years in Taiwan. The outcome variables included ideal numbers of children, actual numbers of children, and the situation of ideal realization. The explanatory variables included age, marriage age, duration of marriage, education level, job status, the intensions of continuing giving birth to a boy, the importance of having sibling as companion, children value and the wellbeing of marriage. The data were obtained from “the eighth investigation of family and fertility ability in Taiwan” held by the research Institute of Bureau of health promotion department of health. .Taiwan. R.O.C which conducted from April to July of the year 1998. In order to avoid the effects of different ranges of ages to the fertility attitudes and behavior, the sample aged 20-39 years was selected with a total number 1,396. The results showed that married women aged 20-39 increased ideal children due to the intensions of continuing giving birth to a boy, the importance of having sibling as companion and the exterior children value. Lower actual numbers of children were significantly related to higher education level, having job, feeling happiness in marriage. Higher actual numbers of children were significantly related to having intentions to give birth to a boy, feeling important in having sibling as companion and feeling important in the exterior children value. For the married women with higher of education level, having job and feeling happiness of marriage, it is more difficult to carry out the ideal numbers of children. The total fertility ration now in the goal of population policy in Taiwan expectation is expected to be raised from 1.8 now to 2.1. To prompt the growth of fertility ration, understanding the social development and the present fertility attitudes and behavior, investigating different attitudes and characters of groups towards the fertility behavior will help to find problems and is helpful to make policy. |