摘要: | 血藤最早記載於圖經。血藤來自多種蔓藤類植物的藤莖,具有紅色的藤汁,故稱為血藤。血藤類藥材可製成藥酒,其功用可用於補血行血,舒筋活絡;治血虛血瘀所致經閉、痛經、月經不調、風濕痹痛肢體酸痛、麻木、活動不利等。台灣產血藤類植物於老荊藤屬(Millettia WIGHT et ARN)有四種、血藤屬(Mucuna ADANS)有四種、南五味子屬(Kadsura JUSSIEU)有二種。其植物如下:光葉魚藤(Millettia nitida BENTHAM)、台灣魚藤(Millettia pachycarpa BENTHAM)、小葉魚藤(Millettia pulchra Kurz. var. microphylla DUNN)、老荊藤(Millettia reticulate BENTHAM)、大血藤(Mucuna gigantea (WILLD.) DC. spp. tashiroi HAYATA)、血藤(Mucuna macrocarpa WALLICH)、蘭嶼血藤(Mucuna membranacea HAYATA)、虎爪豆(Mucuna puriens (L.) DC. var. utilis WALL ex WIGHT)、南五味子(Kadsura japonica (L.) DUNAL)、菲律賓南五味子(Kadsura philippinensis ELM)。這些植物被稱為血藤或雞血藤,常被混淆使用。本研究以組織學方法鑑別這些基原植物,比較並記述植物之內部及外部組織構造,作為將來鑑定台灣產血藤類藥材基原的依據。 南五味子之蔓莖亦稱為紅骨蛇,是台灣常用的民間藥。其乾燥的藤枝藥材同樣具有紅棕色樣的乳汁,乾燥後亦如雞血色樣,民間常用來作為藥酒之藥材,具有解熱、緩解疼痛、解熱鎮痛之效。本研究乃利用組織培養技術促使細胞生產五味子之主要二次代謝物gomisin A 和schizandrin,達成大量生產藥用成分的目標,希望有助於改善國內中藥市場對五味子仰賴進口之現況。試驗結果如下:適合南五味子生長之培養基為含有1% sucrose, 1.2% Difco agar, 1 mg/L 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/L BA, pH = 5.7±0.1之1/2MS基本鹽類培養基,繁殖多量癒合組織。再將癒合組織繼代培養於含有3% sucrose, 1.2% Difco agar, 2 mg/L 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/L BA, pH = 5.7±0.1之2MS基本鹽類培養基,可形成較多量之有效成分-gomisin及schizandrin。 血藤類藥材之急性毒性試驗及鎮痛試驗,結果顯示急性毒性甚低,十種血藤類植物之LD50均大於10g/kg,且均具有鎮痛作用。光葉魚藤、小葉魚藤、大血藤、血藤之鎮痛作用可能與周邊神經系統有關;台灣魚藤、老荊藤、蘭嶼血藤、虎爪豆、南五味子、菲律賓南五味子之鎮痛作用則可能與中樞神經系統有關。; “Xueteng”is first recorded in Tu-Chin. It is obtained from several climbing legume shrubs containing a red resins, that are called Xueteng in Taiwan. Xueteng Caulis was prepared pieces for making medicated wine. It had been used in folk medicine for relieving muscular spasm, numbness, paralysis, pain around the waist and knees, and menstruation malfunction and so on. Xueteng is a family including four species of Millettia, four species of Mucuna, two species of Kadsura. They are as follows, Millettia nitida, Millettia pachycarpa, Millettia pulchra var. microphylla, Millettia reticulata, Millettia gigantea spp. tashiroi, Millettia macrocarpa, Mucuna membranacea, Mucuna puriens var. utilis, Kadsura japonica, Kadsura philippinensis. Besides its formal name “Xue-Teng” and “Gi-Xue-Teng” was easily confused with other herbs which might have the same common name. In this study, we evaluated the histology to clarify ten botanical origins. The characteristics of external and internal structures such as the cork, cortex, length of calcium oxalate crystal, existence of starch grain and vessel form were investigated. The diagnostic features were useful for identifying the botanical origin of the Xueteng grown in Taiwan. Kadsurae Caulis, named as “Hong-Gu-She (紅骨蛇)”, is commonly used in Taiwan. The dried stem, with a sap having reddish brown in color reminiscent, is like as congealed chicken’s blood. It was popularly prepared pieces for medicated wine in the past. The medicated wine provided to ameliorate fever, quenching thirst, muscular spasm, and analgesic effect. The main objectives of present study were to reach rapid proliferation of the stem-derived callus of K. japonica, and the probability of quantitative production of secondary metabolites from the callus. The basal medium, 1/2MS, which comprising of 1% sucrose, 1.2% Difco agar, 1 mg/L 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/L BA, pH= 5.7±0.1, was suitable for the growth of kadsura callus. It could produce much more kadsura callus. The kadsura callus were cultured in 2 MS medium with 3% sucrose, 1.2% Difco agar, 2 mg/L 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/L BA, pH= 5.7±0.1 to attain quantitative of its active products, gomisin and schizandrin. In analgesic study, the air-dried stems of all species were ground and refluxed with 50% EtOH, filtered, and lyophilized to obtain all species powder. The analgesic activity of the powder was evaluated by the formalin test. The acute toxicity test was applied to the safety of them. In the formalin test, the results showed that all species could accomplish analgesic effect. The analgesic mechanism of M. nitida, M. pulchra var. microphylla, M. gigantea spp. tashiroi, and M. macrocarpa was related to act on periphera |