本研究以聚丙烯酸酯作為經皮給藥系統的骨架,其可與數種水性聚合物混合製成黏膠基質型給藥系統,聚合物用作控釋藥物的釋出。此系統較市售之水性貼片輕薄,透氣,不易造成過敏,且製備簡易。 首先評估適宜加入之聚合物,初步篩選出7種: Metolose 90SH 15000、Metolose 90SH 4000、Pharmacoat 615、Carbapol 940、sodium CMC、PVP K30及PVP K90D。 將聚合物以不同濃度及比例觀察其對貼片黏度之影響,結果顯示,增加其濃度或於貼片中比例皆使黏性降低。另外,這些配方可加入中藥萃取液於聚合物中,製成含中藥之水性經皮貼片。 石杉鹼甲(Huperzine A)是一可逆性且具有選擇性的乙醯膽鹼酯酶抑制劑,為阿茲海默症治療藥。以此藥作為研究藥物,了解其基本理化性質,建立Huperzine A之安定性分析方法,以高效液相層析法對分解之檢品進行分析,並以二極體列陣檢測層析峰之純度;探討Huperzine A 溶液之安定性受pH值、氧化劑及溫度之影響。 以溶離試驗探討系統中Huperzine A的釋離,作為水性配方之篩選。水性配方中,三種水性聚合物Metolose 90SH 15000、Metolose 90SH 4000及Sod. CMC對石杉鹼甲的持續釋出可以達12小時。; Polyacrylate is used as the basic frame of transdermal drug delivery system in this study. It was mixed with several aqueous polymers to create a drug-in-adhesive system in sustained release medication. The aqueous polymers evaluated were: Metolose 90SH 15000, Pharmacoat 615, sodium CMC, Carbapol, Metolose 90SH 4000, PVP K30, and PVP K90D. When polyacrylate was mixed with different concentration of aqueous polymers and were applied on patches, the adhesive forces decrease as concentration ratio of aqueous polymers increased. These formulations of matrix could be useful on introducing the extracts of Chinese medicine to manufacture the transdermal delivery system. Huperzine A, a reversible and selective cholinesterase inhibitor approved for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, is used as a model drug in this study. The physicochemical properties of huperzine A were determined. A stability indicating HPLC procedure for the determination of huperzine A was established and validated. This analytical method was used to study the effect of pH, temperature, and present of hydrogen peroxide on huperzine A. We explore the release of Chinese medicine by dissolution test. Among these formulations, the aqueous polymers: Metolose 90SH 15000, Metolose 90SH 4000, and sodium CMC could sustain the release of huperzine A for 12 hours.