摘要: | 中 文 摘 要 心血管疾病是已開發國家最常見的慢性病之一,且死亡率相當高。心血管疾病主要是由動脈粥樣硬化所引起,而血膽固醇過高(hypercholesterolemia)與氧化壓力(oxydative stress)則是促動脈粥樣硬化形成的元兇。甘蔗原素(Policosanol)是從甘蔗提煉得到的高分子量一級脂肪醇類(higher primary aliphatic alcohols)混合物,廿八烷醇(octacosanol)是其最主要成分(約63 %)。細胞培養試驗、動物試驗及人體臨床試驗皆證實,甘蔗原素具有良好的降膽固醇效應(lowing-cholesterol effects),可顯著降低血液中的總膽固醇(total cholesterol, TC)及低密度脂蛋白(low-density lipoprotein, LDL)值,並提高血液中的高密度脂蛋白(high-density lipoprotein, HDL)含量,且此一效應與其他大多數的降血脂藥物相當或較佔優勢。除此之外,這些試驗也證實甘蔗原素尚具有其他抗心血管疾病的生理活性效應,包括:抗血小板凝集作用(anti-platelet aggregation)、保護內皮細胞、抑制平滑肌細胞增生(smooth muscle cell proliferation)及抑制LDL氧化修飾作用(LDL oxidation)….等,故其抗心血管疾病的生理活性效應是呈多效性(pleiotropic effects)。安全性評估試驗則證實,甘蔗原素具有良好的安全性,幾乎不會引起相關的副作用(side effects),且其安全性與其他降血脂藥物相當,甚至較佔優勢。除了抗心血管疾病效益之外,少數研究亦發現甘蔗原素尚具有護肝效應…等其他生理活性作用。總之,甘蔗原素是一種在生理活性效應(特別是抗心血管疾病)上呈多效性且安全性良好的天然產物;而未來的研究主要將探討甘蔗原素的降膽固醇效應是否藉由適度活化肝臟中的peroxisome proliferator activated receptorα(PPARα)所產生,除了釐清此一效應的作用機轉外,也將使甘蔗原素的生理活性作用機轉之研究堂堂邁入細胞分子生物學領域。; 英 文 摘 要 One of the common chronic diseases in developed countries is cardiovascular disease (CVD), and its mortality is very high. CVD major results from atherosclerosis. Hypercholesterolemia and oxydative stress are major factors of pro-atherosclerosis. Policosanol is a mixture of higher primary aliphatic alcohols isolated and purified from Sugar Cane, the most major compound is Octacosanol. All cell-culture experiments, animal experiments, and human clinical studies demonstrated that Policosanol has good lowing-cholesterol effects, it can decrease total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Furthermore, this effect performed equal to or better than most of other lowering-lipid drugs. In addition to lowing-cholesterol effects, these experiments also demonstrated that Policosanol has anti-platelet aggregation, inhibiting smooth muscle cell proliferation and reduced LDL oxidation…etc. other anti-cardiovascular disease effects. Therefore, its anti-cardiovascular disease benefit effect is pleiotropic. Safety assay experiments demorested that Policosanol has good safeties, almost no related side effects were found, and this performed equal to or better than most of other lowering-lipid drugs. In addition to anti-cardiovascular disease benefit effect, fewer studies also demonstrated that Policosanol has hepatoprotective effect…etc. other pharmacologic effects, too. In conclusion, Policosanol is a natural product, which pharmacologic effects is pleiotropic and has good safety. Futhermore studies will investigate whether its lowing-cholesterol effects performed by modested activated peroxisome proliferator activated receptorα(PPARα) in liver or not. In addition to clear the mechanism of this effect , it also make this study go into the cell and molecule biology level. |