摘要: | 台灣西北海岸藥用植物資源之調查研究 中國醫藥學院中國藥學研究所藥用植物學組 洪 杏 林 摘 要 本研究之目的,在於調查台灣西北海岸藥用植物資源,以提供醫藥、保健資源開發與保育參考。 台灣位於亞洲大陸東南,西臨台灣海峽,東靠太平洋,區內具多種不同海岸地形及濕地、河口生態,藥用植物資源豐富,擁有藻類植物及稀有植物、水生植物多種,為台灣其他地區所罕見。本研究在台灣西北海岸潮間帶、沙灘、岩岸、臨海村落、田野等地調查,採集並訪查當地居民藥用植物應用經驗,經二年數次實地勘察海岸藥用植物生態及實地調查完成本研究,茲將調查統計結果歸納如下: 1.台灣西北海岸藥用植物經調查統計,計有8門、183科、612屬、970種。 2.台灣西北海岸藥用植物收載於歷代諸家本草者,計有中國藥材395種,分別隸屬於355種藥用植物。 3.台灣西北海岸有毒藥用植物,具較明顯毒性者有接骨筒等66種。 4.台灣西北海岸稀有藥用植物,計有水芫花等24種。 5.台灣西北海岸民間驗方及用藥調查,計由陳耀東先生等提供26則驗方,收錄於文中,以供臨床學者研究。 6台灣西北海岸值得開發之藥用植物,經評估有青苧麻等11種,提供衛生署、農業試驗、生技發展單位、農民及相關業者參考。 7.台灣西北海岸藥用海藻經調查有礁膜等36種。; Investigation and Study on the Resource of Medicinal Plants of seashore in northwestern Taiwan Shing – Lin Hung Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Science China Medical College Summary The purpose of this study is to investigate the resource of medicinal plants of seashore in northwestern Taiwan, for the development and preservation of its medicinal resources. Taiwan is located in southeastern Asia Continent, with westside is the Taiwan Strait, with eastside is the Pacific Ocean. There are various coastal topographys, wetland and estuary ecologies in northwestern Taiwan. In this area(the seashore of northwestern Taiwan), resources of medicinal plants are very rich, its including seaweed plants, rare plants, hydrophytes that their species are rarely seen than the other regions in Taiwan. This study, we investigated from seashore, intertidal zone, rocky shore, village and field for collection, research, visiting local people for the medicinal experience on seashore medicinal plants. After several times practical investigation about ecology of seashore medicinal plants in northwestern Taiwan, we completed the study and concluded the results as follows: 1. The medicinal plants of seashore in northwestern Taiwan can be classified 8 phyla, 183 families, 612 genera and 970 species. 2. Among these medicinal plants grown of seashore in northwestern Taiwan and recorded as crude drug in various Pentsa''o throughout the ages, there were 395 Chinese medicinal materials and were attributed to 355 species of medicinal plants. 3. Of the poisonous medicinal plants grown of seashore in northwestern Taiwan, there were 66 species, such as Equisetum ramosissimum DESFONTAINES ssp. Debile(ROXBURGH) HAUKE etc. with comparatively conspicuous toxicity. 4. From the results of our study, we found that there were 24 species, such as Pemphis acidula FORST are rare plants of seashore in northwestern Taiwan. 5. Through visiting and interviewing local people, including Mr. Chen, Yaw-Tung et al, 26 experienced herbal medicinal formula were collected and recorded for clinical reference. 6. After evaluation, we proposed that there are 11 species of the medicinal plants of seashore in northwestern Taiwan, such as Boehmeria nivea (LINN) GAUD etc. are potential and worth developing for Department of Health, agriculture research and development organization, farmer and relative organization reference. 7. From the results of our study, we found that there were 36 species, such as Monostroma nitidum WITIROCK. are medicinal seaweed plants of seashore in northwestern Taiwan. |