摘要: | 臺灣藥籤調查與研究 研究生 陳泰昇 中國醫藥學院 中國藥學研究所 植物化學組 摘要 本文藉由調查台灣藥籤探討以下四個主題:(1)台灣藥籤的現象及其歷史演變,(2)台灣藥籤的醫療史料地位,(3)台灣藥籤的醫案研究,(4)藥籤中的公籤、符錄籤以及善書中的藥方等相關子題。 台灣廟宇藥籤可分為保生大帝籤、神農大帝籤、媽祖籤、觀音籤、王爺籤、開漳聖王籤、鸞堂籤(包含關帝籤、呂祖籤、灶君籤)以及成方籤,還有最近的網路籤等九個籤系。本文嘗試以廟宇的藥籤及現有出版藥籤解書來研究上述的四個課題,研究顯示籤系之出現,明顯受到政治、社會、醫藥、公衛環境所影響,如明鄭時期的保生大帝籤、施琅攻台後的媽祖籤、族群械鬥時期的開漳聖王籤、日治時代的鸞堂籤以及國民政府遷台後的成方籤和網路藥籤等。這些籤系又有由草藥→單味→複方加單味或草藥→方劑→成方之演進順序。而各籤系間的交流狀況,說明部份藥方一再被肯定及隨環境變化而被修正。 由籤中的幾個特殊的藥方可看出台灣早期隨鄭成功來台的軍醫和清代漢醫在藥籤的製成中扮演重要的角色。本文藉由五黃湯、水粉、金鎖匙等,解說在藥籤形成中扮演的角色。 至於藥籤之功效一般均是口耳相傳,藉由中港慈裕宮志、灶君藥籤、玉曆寶鈔,及散佈在各種文獻和廟宇資料中藥籤醫案,希望記錄治驗的藥籤醫案病證機轉,及藥物在當中所扮演的角色,對新藥開發及藥理的探討,有所啟發。對中醫師而言,也能對台灣當時流行病用藥思路有所了解。全部醫案只作抄錄記載,不作解釋。 藥籤是臺灣重要的醫藥文獻,其在中醫藥史、醫藥宗教學、醫藥社會學、女性研究、醫藥倫理學、醫療人類學、道家煉丹術等社會學科,以及中醫藥、藥理藥劑、中西結合研究、公衛研究等自然科學研究,亦有很多值得研究之處。本文的研究在充分呈現,其作為醫藥文獻的主要內涵,並進行中醫藥史與藥理藥劑的分析,希望未來各領域之專家能共同合作,探討藥籤這個台灣先民忠實保留的早期歷史傳統醫藥文獻。 【關鍵字】:藥籤、藥籤醫案、漢醫、公籤、網路藥籤、臺灣中醫藥史; Field Survey and Studies on the Temple Pharmaceutical Logs in Taiwan Tai-sheng Chen Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences China Medical College ABSTRACT This article discuss the following four major topics on the pharmaceutical logs of Taiwan through field survey: (1) The phenomena of pharmaceutical logs of Taiwan and its historical evolution. (2) The role of pharmaceutical logs in documents of the research on Taiwan traditional excavation system. (3) Studies on the medicinal records and specific medical treatment of pharmaceutical logs of Taiwan. (4) The public logs of pharmaceutical logs and its effect on the publics. The pharmaceutical logs of Taiwan can be divided into nine log series : Bao-Shen Empire(保生大帝) log series; Shen-Non Empire(神農大帝) log series; Ma-Juu Goddness(媽祖) log series; Guan-Ying Goddness (觀音)log series; the Wan-Ye(王爺) log series; Zhang-Zho Pioneer Empire(開漳聖王) log series; Flying Phoenix Temple (鸞堂)log series(including Kuan-Di(關帝) log series, Lu-Zhu(呂祖) log series, the Zhao-Jun (灶君)log series); traditional prescription log series, and the new coming pharmaceutical logs on the internet(Web logs). The author tried to apply documents, including the pharmaceutical logs in temples of Taiwan and the published explanation books on pharmaceutical log, to study the four major topics mentioned above. This research indicated that the appearance of the pharmaceutical series were obviously affected by the environment under the effect of the political, social, medical and public health events. For example, the Bao-Shen Empire(保生大帝) log series appeared at Southern Ming Dynasty in Taiwan, Ma-Juu Goddness(媽祖)log series appeared after unification of Taiwan in early Ching Dynasty, Zhang-Zho Pioneer Empire(開漳聖王) log series appeared at the period during group competition between the migrates, Flying Phoenix temple(鸞堂) log series appeared during the time of transformation form Ching Dynasty to Japan colonial government, and the prescription log series appeared after KMT Government migrated from Mainland China. All these log series were distinguished by the following evolution path: from herb to single medicine treatment, then multiple medicine treatment with single additional herb or medicine, then experimental prescription, and finially transfer to traditional prescription. By the observation on the circulation between these log series, some good and effective prescription or treatments of original log series were inherited or modified into another log series. The important role of the doctors of traditional Chinese medicine that making the pharmaceutical logs of Taiwan in Ming or Ching Dynasty, can be seen from some specific medicine treatment. The author also discussed the significance of Wu-Huang-Tan(five antiinflamation and antiinfection herb solution五黃湯), Shui-Fen(smooth skin like water herb powder水粉), Jinn-Sou-Chi(Golden keys金 |