大量急性失血在急症醫學上是常見的,在機體失血時,會引起許多生理上的代償反應,這些都會造成血壓波時域以及頻域上的變化。中醫傳統理論認為人體由藏象系統負責協調質量與能量的分佈與利用,因此當減少了運行於脈管中之營血之後,相關氣血路徑以及代償反應所導致的之能量分布或波動規律應當有所變化,這是在以往典籍文獻中或現代相關研究較少提及的。因此本研究嘗試藉由頸動脈處之動脈壓諧波頻譜分析,觀察急性失血所導致的亡血證對藏象系統之影響。 實驗方式是將體重250-350公克的雄性Spargue-Dawley 大鼠,以乙醚(ether)麻醉後埋管,清醒後分別從左股動脈放血,並從右頸動脈紀錄血壓波。從實驗開始全程紀錄老鼠的動脈收縮壓、動脈舒張壓、平均動脈壓、脈搏壓,並將老鼠在放血過程中各階段的血壓波以快速傅立葉轉換作頻譜分析,並以ANOVA以及t -test作統計分析。 結果發現,放血對於C0值(心氣)的確有降低之效果。而存活組之心氣值約在距離第一次放血完成9-10分鐘顯著上升,可能與C1值(肝氣)在放血後0-1分鐘顯著上升有關。對於死亡組而言,肝氣也可被「營血脫失」之效應所引發,只是引發之速度較晚,約在5-6分鐘之間;C2 值(腎氣)可與肝氣一同被「營血脫失」之效應所引發,而且其速度可能比肝氣稍快一些。這個結果印證,中醫失血後之生理應激反應主要是透過肝與腎兩個藏象來進行。; Acute bleeding in emergency medicine is not unusual. It could result in many compensatory responses, including the activation of sympathetic system, the inhibition of parasympathetic system, and the activation of hormone system. Traditional Chinese medicine theory indicates that Viscera-state controls the utility and redistribution of energy and material. When the blood in the vessel is lost, the route of Qi and blood and the principle of undulation should be shifted consequently. But the consequence of the activation of Viscera-state has not clearly been described in the past study. The purpose of this study is to investigate the response of the Viscera-state to the loss of blood by the analysis of arterial blood pressure. Left femoral arterial blood pressure was measured using the blood pressure transducer, and right carotid artery pressure was recorded in term of the following parameters: systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, mean arterial pressure, and the pulse pressure. The arterial blood pressure was analyzed with Fast Fourier transformation and different stages of blood pressure were compared. The results were analyzed with ANOVA and t-test. If the rats survived for 21 minutes after secondary bleeding, they were defined group 1. If they did not survived, they were defined group 2. The results demonstrate that the heart Qi value (C1) of group 1 was significantly increased in 9-10 minutes after first bleeding. It may be induced by the significant increase of the liver Qi value (C0) in 0-1 minutes after first bleeding. The liver Qi of group 2 was also induced at 5-6 minutes after bleeding. The kidney Qi (C2)of group 2 was also induced, but is faster. These are consistent with the stress response in Chinese medicine theory is relative with the activation of liver and kidney Qi.