中文摘要 目的:蒐集有關糖尿病足的中醫文獻,將文獻資料中的病名定義、病因病機、辨證、治則、方藥和其他治療等內容,加以歸納分析,找出比較常用的方藥和治療方法。 方法:使用有關糖尿病足的中醫文獻作為研究材料,包括歷代中醫典籍、現代中醫糖尿病專書和近十年大陸中醫期刊。使用的研究設計和方法包括資料的蒐集,資料的篩選,資料的整理,資料的分欄,資料的統計和資料的分析。 結果:本研究資料蒐集選用79本中醫典籍、18本中醫專書和272篇中醫期刊,鍵檔總計560,904個字。統計中醫文獻最常見的病因病機為血瘀,最常見的辨證為血瘀,最常見的治則為活血,最常見的內治方劑為四妙勇安湯,最常見的外用方劑為生肌玉紅膏,最常見的內治組成為當歸,最常見外治組成的為當歸,最常見的灸法為隔蒜灸,針刺最常見的穴位為足三里,推拿最常見的手法為輕度按摩法。 結論:中醫文獻有關糖尿病足的治療記載豐富,內容從病因病機到治則方藥的治療整體合而為一,內治法以辨證論治為主,外治法以中藥薰洗和外敷為主,針灸、推拿、導引等中醫輔助療法對病情有幫助,中醫調養講究養生與飲食禁忌就如同現代預防醫學強調衛教的重要性一樣。總而言之,治療糖尿病足絕非用任何一種方藥或一種療法可以單獨完成,因此我們從中醫文獻的資料中研究歸納出幾種常見的方藥和療法,內外合治,再配合針灸、推拿,或是養生、導引等治療方法,可以充分靈活運用在臨床糖尿病足的治療。; Abstract Object: To collect Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) literature on diabetic foot. We made a content analysis of definition, etiology, pathology, syndrome differentiation, guidelines, therapy and herbs documenting diabetic foot care in TCM literatures. We wanted to find the more common TCM herbs and therapy in the diabetic foot. Methods:The TCM literature were consist of ancient books, modern books and papers on diabetic foot. The study processes included data collection, data selection, data modification, data differentiation, and data labeling and statistics analysis. Results: We selected 79 ancient books, 18 modern books and 272 papers related to the diabetic foot and build an electric data collection consist of 560,904 words. In the content analysis of TCM literature on diabetic foot, we got the information that the most common cause was a stasis of Blood ; the most common syndrome differentiation was a stasis of Blood; the most common guideline was to active Blood; the most popular oral formula was Syh Miaw Yeong An Tang; the most popular formula for external use was Sheng Ji Yuh Horng Gau; the most popular TCM herb for oral and external use was Dang Guei; the most popular moxibustion method was indirect moxibustion with garlic slice; the most popular acupuncture point was Tsu San Li(S36); and the most popular message manipulation was mild message manipulation. Conclusion: There was lots of information about diabetic foot in the TCM literature. The TCM therapeutic theory was perfect. Anyway, no one method could treat diabetic foot throughout completely by itself. So we studied the TCM literature to find more popular and effective treatments for the diabetic foot.