昇壓素(Vasopressin)已被證實可以改善出血性休克晚期及敗血性休克所造成之血管擴張性休克。本實驗在出血性休克早期使用昇壓素以了解在此時期昇壓素對血壓及脈搏的影響。 實驗方式是將體重250 至350公克的老鼠以每分鐘每100公克0.1毫升速度放血至平均動脈壓30至35毫米汞柱。實驗組每公斤體重注射0.8 I.U.的昇壓素,對照組給與相等量之生理食鹽水;兩組接著在30分鐘內給與相當於出血量之生理食鹽水。然後在5分鐘內將所抽出之血輸回老鼠體內。從實驗開始全程紀錄老鼠的平均動脈壓、動脈收縮壓、動脈舒張壓、脈搏直到開始輸血後90分鐘;接著將未死的老鼠傷口縫合並放回籠中以觀察其存活時間。 實驗結果發現注射昇壓素的老鼠血壓在100秒時升到最高:平均動脈壓119 ±24.17毫米汞柱、動脈收縮壓148 ±25.53毫米汞柱、動脈舒張壓 104 ±29.87毫米汞柱,都有顯著的差異,但是隨即下降;至給藥後15分鐘兩組已無顯著差異。兩組的心跳並無顯著差異。 實驗組的三隻老鼠中兩隻在輸血後1小時內死亡;而對照組則有兩隻老鼠存活。 實驗的結論是出血性休克的老鼠早期使用昇壓素 會短暫升高老鼠的血壓,但是不影響到脈搏。; Vasopressin (VP) was proved useful in resuscitation and late stage of hemorrhagic shock. This study is designed to test the effects of vasopressin on heart rate and blood pressure at the early stage of hemorrhagic shock. We used S-D rats with body weight 250-350 gm as study animal. They were bled from femoral vein till mean blood pressure (MAP) in the range 30 — 35 mmHg with the duration of 30 minutes. VP 0.8 I.U./kg and normal saline (NS)(sum of fluid equal to 0.5 ml) were pushed into femoral vein then; 0.5 ml NS was pushed in control group. Then they received NS infusion (equal to bled amount) with the duration of 30 minutes. After this stage, their bloods were transfused with the duration of 5 minutes. Hemodynamic data including: systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were recorded from femoral artery. 90 minutes after transfusion, rats were sutured and were put back to their cage. Their survival times were also recorded. The results of our study were: MAP, SBP and DBP elevated rapidly ( maximal: 100 seconds; SBP 148 ± 25.53 vs 60 ± 4.04 mmHg; DBP 104 ± 29.87 vs 23 ± 2.52 mmHg; MAP 119 ±24.17 vs 39 ± 4.04 mmHg; p<0.05), then were downhill gradually. No significant difference existed between two groups 15 minutes later. No change on HR during the whole course. Two of three Rats with VP injection were expired 1 hour after blood transfusion, 1 of 3 rats without VP injection was expired within 4 hours after blood transfusion. Our conclusions were that VP could elevate BP at the early stage of hemorrhagic shock in rats, but no change on HR.