根據衛生署統計心臟疾病是國人十大死因之一,其中冠狀動脈阻塞佔了大部份。目前對於冠狀動脈阻塞的治療大多施以血管擴張術 (angioplasty) 或血管繞道手術 (surgical bypass grafting) ,近年發展的經皮穿腔冠狀動脈血管成形術(percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, PTCA) 及支架置入方法可以不經開心手術即可達到治療的效果,對冠狀動脈治療助益頗多。在美國一年有約 40 萬件的血管擴張術病例,而這些病例中約 30~50% 在六個月後會發生血管再阻塞現象而必須再次接受血管擴張術,在國內比例則更高。這對病患及其家屬造成很大的心理及經濟上的負擔。其中平滑肌細胞不正常的增生是造成再阻塞現象的主因之一。 因此我們利用傳統中藥丹參萃取物salvianolic acid B 及厚朴萃取物magnolol對大鼠胸主動脈平滑肌細胞進行in vitro的實驗。在細胞增生實驗的結果看來0.05mg/ml的magnolol對PCNA的表達及DNA合成有抑制的作用;而salvianolic acid B則無效果。不過二者對RB和FAK沒有影響。在探討藥物是否引起細胞凋亡的實驗中,western blot的結果顯示 salvianolic acid B和magnolol明顯的引發RIP及caspase-3的表達。另外,0.1mg/ml salvianolic acid B 能抑制NF-κB promoter的活性。在抗氧化實驗中,salvianolic acid B和magnolol明顯的減少大鼠血清中MDA的產生。 根據這些結果,我們認為salvianolic acid B和magnolol 對平滑肌細胞的增生有抑制作用。salvianolic acid B可能經由抑制NF-κB引起細胞凋亡。Magnolol 則是抑制細胞進入細胞週期中的S; There are approximately 250,000 people suffered from restenosis 6 months after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) every year in the USA. One of the pathological mechanisms of restenosis has been attributed to abnormal proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells. The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of Salvianolic B and Magnolol to inhibit proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and the mechanisms underlying the action of Salvianolic B and Magnolol. A10 cells, rat aortic smooth muscle cells,was used in this study to clarify these issues. From the in vitro result of western blot using antibody against PCNA and BrdU incorporation assay, we observed that 0.05mg/ml Magnolol significantly inhibit the proliferation of rat aortic smooth muscle cells. Whereas Magnolol demonstrated the inhibitory effects on BrdU incorporation in a dose-dependent manner; Salvianolic B did not show innibitory effect of vascular smooth muscle cells proliferation. In our study, we also evaluate the proteins that related to RIP and caspase-3 can be affected by Salvianolic B and Magnolol. It was found that the protein level of RIP and caspase-3 was significantly induced by Salvianolic B and Magnolol. On the other hand, Salvianolic B could inhibit the activity of NF-κB promoter. These results suggest that the proliferation of SMC can be regulated by Salvianolic B and Magnolol. Although PCNA protein level can be affectd by Magnolol, but we did not observe significant effect of Magnolol on P27 and RB protein expression level.