本研究之目的主要是探討護理人員對薪酬制度之反應與相關因素之探討。本研究是採橫斷面調查研究方法,調查對象是中部某區域醫院本、分院之全體護理人員,研究工具為自行設計的結構式問卷;本問卷於89年1月5日發出,共發出550份問卷,於89年1月12日回收495份問卷供統計分析用。問卷回收後以描述性分析、卡方檢定、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛費氏事後比較、相關及複迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析。研究結果將做為個案醫院調整薪酬制度之參考用。 本研究之主要結果顯示: 一、薪酬制度偏好方面:僅37.8%的護理人員同意調薪依據醫院盈餘, 職級愈高者愈表贊成;調薪幅度較贊成採用定率制;達85%以 上的護理人員希望調薪能依據物價指數、比照同等級醫院及依 年資等。 二、職務自我評核方面:自認工作複雜度負荷量最高、所需創造性 負荷量最低,總體職務負荷量在中等但稍為偏重之程度;自認 職務負荷量愈重者,滿意度愈低。 三、護理人員對薪酬滿意度方面:大部份不知道同等級醫院的薪資 及獎金,但在福利部份,則對任職醫院持較正向的看法,自認 較差的項目從10.7%到44.6%。本篇研究調查,薪酬總體滿意 度僅2.21分,整體而言護理人員對個案醫院的薪酬滿意度,是 處於一個較低的水準。; This thesis evaluates and analyzes factors relevant to nursing staff’s attitudes toward a regional hospital’s compensation system. The study methodology was based on the cross-section research method. The sampling unit of the study was the nursing staff of a regional hospital. The research tool was a self-designed structural survey. Five hundred-fifty surveys were given to survey on January 5th 2000. Four hundred-fifty six surveys were collected on July 12th 2000. Statistical analyses were performed on data collected from the surveys using description analysis, Chi-Square Test ,T-Test, One Way ANOVA, and Multiple Regressiont. The result of the study will provide primary information to the case hospital and its modification of current compensation system. The result of the study shows: 1. Compensation System Preference: Only 37.8% of the nursing staff agree to salary adjustment based primarily on hospital revenue. Further analysis shows that higher-ranking staffs are more likely to agree to a revenue-related salary adjustment.According to the resoult of the study,most staff prefer salary increase based on pre-determined fixed rates; Over 85% of the nursing staff prefer a salary adjustment system that is based on CPI (Consumer Price Index), salary grades of competing regional hospital, and seniority of the staff. 2. Job Preference Assessment: The nursing staff as a whole seems to rank their job high on job complexity, low on creativity, and medium toward high on overall job responsibility. 3. Nursing Staff’s Salary Satisfaction: Most nursing staff did not know the exact pay, salary grades and bonus of the competing regional hospitals. However, the nursing staff seems to have a positive attitude toward their current bonus program. Their ranks on other salary-related factors range from 10.7% to 44.6%. According to the result of this study, the average salary satisfaction of the surveyed nursing staff is only 2.21 out of 5. The result of the study indicates that the nursing staff’s satisfaction toward the case hospital’s compensations.