由於全民健保等多項醫療政策的實施,造成醫療院所面臨前所未有的競爭。醫療環境的急遽的變化,使中小型醫療院所不堪虧損而紛紛關閉。醫療院所為求生存,不得不尋求解決之道。現今院方除了多角化之外,便是機構彼此間的策略聯盟,期能透過機構間的不同型態的策略聯盟而獲得效益,降低經營成本,以解決醫療機構日益減少的財務收益。 本研究主要將針對存在於醫療服務業中不同型態的策略聯盟模式,依據平衡記分卡模式(balanced scorecard model),以問卷調查方式,針對參與策略聯盟的七家醫療機構之員工進行調查,試探討策略聯盟機構員工對策略聯盟關係及施行後績效改變之認知,及個人特性與醫療院所特性的影響。問卷樣本數為1200份,有效回收率為49.25%。 本研究之重要結果如下: 聯盟關係部分,院內員工對於醫院參與聯盟多採正面態度,但對於聯盟關係內容認知上則多半不清楚。員工個人因素之服務年資、職級別及部門別影響聯盟關係認知,而醫院參與聯盟之型態亦影響聯盟關係認知。至於對醫院參與聯盟後績效改變部分,員工對於內部流程面及顧客面改善認知較強,財務面及學習成長面改善認知不明顯。個人因素多半不影響員工對績效的認知,而醫院參與之聯盟型態為影響績效改變認知的主要因素。; Due to the enforcement of many health policies, such as National Health Insurance (NHI), hospitals are now facing unprecedented competitions. The rapid change of the environment makes many small hospitals close, and those striving to survive cannot but seek solutions for all these. In addition to the diversification of medical services, hospitals have started to make new agreements with other organizations. They expect that by forming various types of strategic alliances, hospitals can lower their costs and thus improve the getting-worse financial situation. The major of this study is to inquire key factors that influence the hospital workers’ recognition of alliances relationship and hospital performance, based on the balanced scorecard model (BSC). 1,200 questionnaires were distributed to workers in 7 strategic alliance member hospitals, and 591 samples were retrieved. The effective response rate is 49.25%. Major findings of this study are as follows: Most hospital workers have positive attitudes toward hospitals’ joining the strategic alliances, but they don’t really have a clear view on the content of it. Individual factors such as past service years, ranking and department all have significant influences on their recognition of the alliance relationship. As for the evaluation of hospital performance, most workers believe that there is apparent improvement in customer perspective and internal business process. On the other hand, somehow they don’t think that joining alliances obviously affect the organizational growth, learning, innovation and the financial situation. To conclude, alliances’ structure is the key factor to affect the recognition of performance change.