非營利性組織採用的行銷策略,主要藉由各式的溝通工具將訊息傳遞給顧客,以影響目標群體的行為(Kotler & Andreasen,1987)。故對醫療服務對象進行市場調查,瞭解不同種類就醫病患在醫療購買決策過程中,主要的資訊來源以及影響其資訊來源和搜尋醫療資訊行為的因素,此結果可提供醫院管理者發展醫院行銷,選擇媒體溝通工具時之參考。 本研究以結構式問卷,面訪前往台中縣(市)50床以上醫院就診之一般門診病患、住院病患和重大傷病病患共550名,調查其平日健康資訊之來源,與求醫前搜尋醫療資訊的行為,進一步以羅吉斯迴歸(Logistic regression)分析,探討不同種類就醫病患之健康資訊來源,以及求醫前是否搜尋醫療資訊之行為的因素為何? 病患之健康資訊來源部份,重大傷病病患有口傳來源的比例,明顯高於一般門診病患與住院病患有口傳來源的比例,而病患健康資訊來源相關因素之探討發現教育程度為小學以上者有「電視、廣播」和「報紙、雜誌」之健康資訊來源的可能性越高。而職業為軍公教,婚姻狀況為離婚、分居或喪偶者,有罹患慢性病者以及雜誌的健康專欄接觸頻率越高者,有「電視、廣播」之健康資訊來源的可能性則越低。重大傷病病患以及口傳接觸頻率越高者,有口傳之健康資訊來源的可能性越高。而男性病患、家庭平均月收入在三萬至五萬者,以及罹患慢性病者,有口傳之健康資訊來源的可能性則越低。 病患就醫前搜尋醫療資訊之行為,住院病患與重大傷病病患打聽醫師之比例,明顯高於一般門診病患,而病患求醫前打聽醫院與醫師資訊之因素探討,發現重大傷病病患以及雜誌的健康專欄之接觸頻率越高者,比較會在求醫前打聽醫院相關資訊,而住院病患與重大傷病病患比較會在求醫前打聽醫師相關資訊。年齡為50-59歲者,婚姻狀況為已婚者和離婚、分居或喪偶者,家庭平均月收入為三萬至五萬者,有罹患慢性病者以及廣播健康節目之接觸頻率越高者,則較不會在求醫前打聽醫院相關資訊,而年齡為40-49歲者以及家庭平均月收入為三萬至五萬者,則較不會在求醫前打聽醫師相關資訊。 由研究結果中得知,在屬於高度涉入的醫療決策過程中,口傳是最重要的就醫決策參考資訊來源,因此重視醫院整體的服務品質,加強醫院內部行銷,促使所有醫院服務人員,提供優質的服務才能贏得口碑宣傳。另外,醫院管理者應善用各種媒體,增加醫院在大眾媒體的曝光率,當民眾需要就醫時,即會將記憶中的醫院或醫師列入考量的範圍。; The goals of this study are to describe the major sources of health information, to identify the factors influencing major source of health information and the factors influencing behavior of searching medical information among different types of patients. Our study’s findings can provide information for hospital managers in developing marketing strategies. Our study consisted of 550 patient form hospitals over 50 beds in Taichung area. The sources of patients are inpatient, outpatient, and grave case. Face-to-face interviews were administered by using three structured questionnaires. The statistical methods are means, proportion, Chi-square test, ANOVA and Logistic regression analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows: The proportion of having the source of word-of-mouth for patients whit grave disease is higher than those for inpatients and outpatient. Patents who educated above preliminary school are more likely to have the sources of broadcast medium and print medium. Patients with grave disease and patients with higher frequency of interpersonal communication are more likely to have the source of word-of-mouth. The proportions of searching for medical information before making medical decisions for inpatients and patients with grave disease are higher than that for outpatient. Our study results indicate word-of-mouth. is an important source of health information in highly involvement of medical decision. So the hospital managers should attach importance to provide high quality service that patients who had come to hospital will advertise for hospital.